Dad Awakes to the Sound of Breaking Glass… Takes Serious Action - TopicsExpress


Dad Awakes to the Sound of Breaking Glass… Takes Serious Action ... This is yet another story that proves how law-abiding citizens with guns can save lives. In this case, a dad armed with a handgun did not hesitate to protect his wife and three young daughters. An armed resident of a Sedgwick County, Kan. home, known as Mr. Dudley, recently had an opportunity to use the 2nd Amendment to protect his family, and that’s exactly what he did. He woke early one morning as he heard a strange noise coming from downstairs. Though he had no prior military or law enforcement training, he instinctively grabbed his handgun and took it with him to investigate – as he had a feeling something wasn’t right. Upon arriving at where the noise was coming from, he encountered a burglar attempting to gain entry into his home. Dudley told reporters, “I went to investigate the noise and found an intruder breaking and entering my home.” He startled the intruder and immediately gave chase, firing his gun at him simultaneously. When asked why he fired at the intruder, he said, “It was just a duty to protect my family.” We couldn’t agree more, especially with three children in the home at the time of the break-in. There’s no telling what the intruder was intending on doing. Neutralizing the threat was the right call, and he stands by his decision to do just that, even though the entire incident took him completely by surprise, telling reporters, “Can’t say I was prepared for it…I don’t know how you prepare for that.” The would-be intruder was quickly found by police just a short distance from Dudley’s home and was transported to a hospital to recover so that he can stand trial for aggravated burglary charges. All of Dudley’s neighbors supported and agree with his decision to deploy deadly force on the intruder in order to protect his home and his family. conservativetribune/dad-takes-action-against-burglar/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzEmail&utm_content=936184&utm_campaign=0
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 07:54:32 +0000

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