Daddy Daughter Run Day Post! Why am I so excited? Well today was - TopicsExpress


Daddy Daughter Run Day Post! Why am I so excited? Well today was the last hill repeat training day before my Canada Run Trip!! this time next week I will be on a plane to Canada with a bunch of my Sole Sisters for a week of Running and hiking adventures. My fitness level is really good and my body is well trained so I am excited to tackle this years Bucket List Trip. So for todays running life nugget. Todays run is about setting your self up for potential failure by the power of your thoughts. Both my father and I went into todays run with excuses of why todays run could be a disaster. I am still using my excuse of paddling 10 miles 2 days ago and he was using the excuse of golfing 18 holes and caring his bag the whole way (he is training for back packing through the Appalachian mountains in a couple months). So we both went into todays run with low expectations and almost a defeated attitude from the get go. We were not really negative on our run, but not our usual chipper selves. Conversations were minimum and we were just doing what we needed to do to get done. We did however keep commenting on how tired our bodies were and we were just going to chalk this run up to the fact that we showed up and got to spend some time together. There were no real cheerleader moments in our run and we really had no positive self talk happening, again we had already decided this was going to be a poor run with low expectations. Well as we were finishing our cool down and we glanced at the watch to see how much time was left we noticed we had already passed our normal stopping point and still had 30 seconds left. WE HAD UNDERESTIMATED OURSELVES! We had let our own negative self talk blind us to how awesome we were actually doing!! I think we all do this in life so often. We create all these excuses as to why we are not excelling, or why we are not moving forward in our lives, our relationships or our careers. We have such negative self talk, we talk in a way to ourselves that we would never dare say to someone else. We stop being our own coaches and instead become our own worst critics. We forget to recognize all the little victories that we have in a daily basis. See our mistake this morning was we decided the whole run was going to be tough and forgot to celebrate the little victories of each hill we climbed. We forgot to take In to account that we were not slowing down on our rest periods which in turn made for a faster, stronger run. We did not celebrate our victories but instead got caught up in our excuses and our self pity over being tired. We had defeated ourselves before we even started our run. So today I ask you, what kind of coach are you to yourself? Are you coaching yourself for success in life, career and relationships? Are you celebrating little victories or just beating yourself up on your journey. Because you will still arrive at your destination and you might even get there ahead of schedule, but ultimately if we celebrate the little victories our journey will be such more rewarding. And when we become our own positive coach and dont cash in our chips before the journey has even started we can reach our destinations with a solid hi five and bag of positive self confidence that no one can take from us!! Thanks for tuning in, and my next 2 Thursday post will be from Canada with my Sole Sisters!!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:47:30 +0000

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