Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar - speaking from Lotus House, Ahmedabad - TopicsExpress


Dadi Janki and Dadi Gulzar - speaking from Lotus House, Ahmedabad - 13th July 2014 - for Living Yagya Conversations Om shanti. Should I say om shanti three times? This is my discipline. Who am I and who is mine? When I say “I” I become light and when I say mine, I receive might. Baba is Karankaravanhar and everything is right. I heard that today Jayantiben is going to have a gathering to have the Living Yagya conversations in Global House. Very good. How was Global House created from where Baba is being revealed? Where did it all begin? Shiv Baba entered the body of Brahma and created the yagya. He first surrendered himself. This body, wealth and mind are not mine. Shiv Baba is the One who is teaching, but the mouth of the instrument is of this one. It is the mouth of Brahma. He created the yagya, gave us Brahma bhojan, related the knowledge through the mouth of Brahma. He created the yagya, so where are the children going to be fed from? Wonderful. First Baba surrendered himself and then gave inspirations to inspire many other souls to surrender themselves. Jayantiben, you are fortunate that you have taken birth from the beginning and have seen everything. Baba sent you abroad. Wonderful Baba. He sent you abroad for foreign service. He first sent you there to study when you were young. (Gulzar Dadi has also come now.) Give a vision of Dadi to Global House. Wonderful Baba. See how Baba created the yagya. To know the whole history is your part. From the beginning, Murli Dada also has a part. Sakar Baba had said: Pay attention to Murli Dada. He asked me to pay attention to him, but then He made Murli Dada an instrument to create the yagya. Today, Dr. Nirmala has gone to the Philippines for 15 days. I sent love and remembrance to everyone. I receive such e-mails, but I am carefree that you are there to give a response. Today I received an e-mail from Anthony in response to the amrit vela messages saying that I had a feeling that Baba is with you. I remember you with Baba too. Do you have that feeling? Look all of you sitting in the house are receiving that bhasna, are you not? To surrender yourself, to sacrifice yourself and to use everything in a worthwhile way. This is the yagya and God has created it. First of all we surrendered ourselves to the yagya. I surrendered in the beginning and I have that intoxication. Shiv Baba entered the body of Brahma and pulled me to Him. In the final birth He pulled me in such a way that I became free from the body and bodily relations. This was wonderful. I used to enjoy the words of the Gita. Hey Arjuna, become detached from the body and bodily relations and then at the end, it says: Be a conqueror of attachment and an embodiment of remembrance. Baba made me surrender to the yagya, but I didn’t surrender. I just belonged to Baba. For which I had gone around all four pilgrimages places on the path of devotion and yet remained distant from God. Baba had given all of us sisters different names. Gulzar Dadi also had a different name (Shobha), but Baba gave her this name. But Baba did not give me a name, He kept my name Janak, means, those sanskars were created. To make my sanskars of that quality of King Janak – to be bodiless and a trustee. It was a wonder. Whatever was the condition of the body, but Baba made Hansa an instrument. Today, I bathed in the evening at 6.00 pm. In the morning, I didn’t have the strength to take a bath. I bathed in the evening, washed my hair and am now sitting here. I conducted class for Diamond Hall. Ask Baba. Ask Dadi. We just have to watch the games. He is Karavanhar (One who inspires) and the children are karanhar (ones who do). We have so much fortune. I was told that they were going to have the Living Conversations about what the yagya is. What is the yagya? When the children have courage, the Father helps. When you have an honest heart, your desires are fulfilled. When your intentions are pure, your hopes are fulfilled. What is the yagya? Look at the whole history. The yagya has reached here today, to serve the whole world and to establish the kingdom of the world, to establish the golden-aged kingdom – Baba has created the yagya. Wonderful. When Baba became avyakt, there was a slight shock – what is going to happen now? At that time, there were other transmessengers too, but see how Baba appointed Dadi Gulzar to be the chariot. When we look at the history and realize we have a part in the whole history. Even after becoming avyakt, he is looking after his yayga. Today, I just read Anthony’s e-mail and he sent remembrances of Dolly. When Dolly first came here, in the meditation hall, in front of avyakt Baba, I said: This is a vision of the huge, unlimited form of God that Arjuna was granted by God. Just see how Baba touched the souls all over the world. I also read Sharonah’s e-mail, Nikki’s e-mail. Where is my Nikki? I am so fortunate, multimillion times fortunate and each one has their part. When the gathering takes place in Global House, although I am not able to be present physically, I will never say that I am absent. No, I am not absent. I cannot be absent. Baba has also promised: Wherever you are, I am with you. Sitting here - there wasn’t any plan or programme to be here and the body was instrumental to keep me here. Dadi has come here. What does Baba agree with? To make us play this game at the confluence age and to teach us. You must have read today’s murli – such an accurate murli. I first read it in the morning and then I was told that I had to conduct class for Diamond Hall, so I read the murli again and gave class on that. Baba’s words and elevated versions in the murli. I saw how Mama put everything into her practical life instantly. Just see – drama. Baba. Where have we reached now? From the time that I have heard of Peace in the Park happening at the Global Retreat Centre, I am thinking. A variety programme has been created to enable everyone to dance with happiness. Knowledge is entertaining. It is not dry. Baba has given us nectar with a lot of love and taught us how to play with jewels. Is this okay? Tell me. He gave us nectar. The knowledge is very sweet. When I first came into knowledge. Jayantiben, you must be aware of the history – we had Kikni – my schoolfriend. She was talking to me – Janki, I feel you have to do the work of drinking the nectar and giving that to others, and she gave me a note – you have to drink nectar and give that to others. I remembered that. She gave knowledge to Mama. The moment anyone has any doubt, they can’t continue to make effort. The doubt that she had – Why did Baba keep ahead of me when I was the one who gave knowledge to Mama? Just see how much damage doubt causes. So everyone should pay attention – there is victory through faith. Those who have doubts are led to destruction and those who have faith have victory. When Hansa told me that they were having these conversations in Global House this evening, I said I would go there and also call Dadi. They should see Dadi too, see how Baba made Gulzar Dadi an instrument and how she has given so much avyakt sustenance. The world is being served. When Dr. Nirmala came to take leave from me, I gave her a lot of love. I said: I have a wonderful service companion in you and you are looking after Gyan Sarovar and also an instrument for world service. Judy from Peace Village has written to me saying that while on her tour, she will come to Madhuban, so welcome. She is also an instrument. She writes accurately and gives the message of the yagya to everyone accurately. She has been gifted by Baba. There are many such instruments. When I read Anthony’s email, I remembered, he was the first student in knowledge. Charlie, Ken, Anthony – And Nick too. Nick may have forgotten me, but I have not forgotten him. He is definitely an original jewel and will definitely come to Madhuban. Where else can he go? Tests come. We have to experience the power of faith. Just relate to the whole world – how much power of faith do you have? Faith in the intellect. Power of yoga. These are accurate words. See where the yagya has reached. When Sakar Baba was there, there was just Pandava Bhawan. Today, Pandav Bhawan is so powerful. Then, there was Gyan Sarovar and then Shantivan. Today, we are sitting here. I asked Bharti – why am I sitting here today (In Ahmedabad, Lotus House). I feel it is because wherever we go in the world, we have to go from here. To come to Madhuban, we have to come through Ahmedabad. This is the confluence – lotus house. Wherever we go, we cannot go directly, we have to go through Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad is in the middle and this is why the atmosphere here is powerful. Baba’s elevated versions have enabled the lives of thousands, millions of souls to be created. Now, not just thousands, but the lives of millions is being created. I am seeing that we have Baba’s Trimurti children – Charlie, Ken and Anthony. These are the Pandavas all over the world. There are the people of the Bharat too, but the Pandavas add beauty. When they come onto the stage, it is Baba’s honour. Neville is also wonderful. When speaking of faith in the intellect, Neville works wonders. In Today’s murli, Baba said: Check your thoughts. When you have the slightest waste thought, it will not leave you alone. It is an illness. It is the root of illness and there is no stability of the intellect. Be introverted and with concentration, make your stage like this. Who am I? Who is mine? Baba. When the word Baba emerges from your heart, where is that sound coming from? The heart says thanks to Baba. You made us belong to You. What is the atmosphere of the house like? I am seeing that. Although I am not present there physically, in a subtle way, you are not leaving me alone. Hansa will tell me any moment, I am going to take you to London. I just tell her to be quiet. This is Madhuban. Now, that part is over. Even now, while sitting here, He is making me serve the whole world. He says: You don’t have to have any thoughts. Just work with your thoughts. Just wait. Have such thoughts that those thoughts spread that atmosphere everywhere in the world. Call Dadi. Dadi, just give a vision for a few seconds of the systems of the yagya. Baba made her an instrument. The face and the image should be such that everyone sees – this is the wonder of faith. The destiny is predestined. We have to keep our stage unshakeable and immovable. Today, I am saying from my heart: Jayanti, make it firm with everyone – We have to make our stage unshakeable and immovable. We are able to create an unshakeable and an immovable stage with the power of concentration. The power of concentration comes by being introverted. Do you understand what I am saying? By being introverted, we are able to be concentrated and through this, we are able to create an unshakeable and an immovable stage. We are able to become a sample to remain simple. We don’t have to work hard in our efforts. Constantly remain smiling with everyone. All are Baba’s children. Whoever comes in front of you. When we first moved to the place where Global House is, that road itself was very derelict and people were afraid to walk on that road. After we moved there, so much has happened. Our Brent Council has helped us a lot. We didn’t have even one hundred thousand pounds and the house was constructed with 4 million pounds, so how was it built? These are the divine activities of God. Baba has made me an instrument. Those who are instruments have to remain obedient, faithful and trustworthy. This is the wonder of the yagya, and to be an instrument to make the yagya function. So is GRC. How was it created? Baba creates wonders. I said: Baba, we have found the place to serve from, but practically how will the lives be created? So how was GRC created? It is wonderful. So many peoples lives have become worthwhile living here. Brijben is wonderful, looking after the kitchen in GRC. Hansaben looking after the kitchen in GCH. Each one is an instrument. I saw Jasu has gone to Canada and took me there yesterday. All the London sisters are wonderful. Baba has made them like that. When I say Baba, then understand – My Baba, sweet Baba, lovely Baba, Thank you Baba. Dadi, say something. Dadi Gulzar: Dadi has told you the story from the beginning and everything within her. You heard how Dadi did everything with Baba with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm and we have to constantly maintain this zeal and enthusiasm. All of you must have picked this up from Dadi’s experience. Dadi has been constant in this from the time that she has come. We also must not get caught up in little matters, but just copy each one’s virtues. So, copy Dadi’s virtues. See how she has been unshakeable. She has been unshakeable and constant. She has been BAbas lovely companion. Just as Dadi has created her practical life, in the same way, all of you also have to create your life. Nowadays, Baba has been giving a signal about yoga. We have to pay attention and check: Am I a karma yogi while performing actions? Or, if there is any fluctuation, am I giving the proof of a yogi life? You must definitely check yourself in this because Baba says that we are karma yogis. While performing actions, our stage of yoga has to be elevated. This is what Baba wants from everyone. I have seen that many are making incognito effort and have reached this stage and are moving forward taking Baba’s help. So, all of you also just look at their effort, have this zeal and enthusiasm in yourself that you too have to become like that, and you know that it is possible and that is why there are such ones who have become and when there are one or two examples, then we should take benefit from that. You saw Dadi how she is speaking with such intoxication and is an instrument for so much. If Dadi can become this, we can also become something. We definitely have to learn to have this zeal and enthusiasm from Dadi’s talk. Though we are saying that Dadi’s health is not good, while not having such good health, Dadi’s mind is always in a state of manmanabhav, and so, all of us have to pay attention and make this practice our own. Om shanti. Thank you. Om shanti
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:10:16 +0000

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