Dadi Janki – 9th October 2013 – Gyan Sarovar With POM guests - TopicsExpress


Dadi Janki – 9th October 2013 – Gyan Sarovar With POM guests Have you learned to remain happy? If you remain happy then you will feel comfortable internally. If you are not comfortable with yourself then you cannot remain happy. What comes first; knowledge or love? You have been receiving knowledge, power and love here… This is God’s home – don’t leave what you have received here behind. You may have come here as guests but don’t leave the awareness of being a child of this family here. This is your home. We have now to return to Shantidham; beyond the sky. It is time for us to return there. I have to understand the depth of karma. Whatever negative karma I have performed in my different births, I have to now clear.. I should develop zeal and enthusiasm to do good karma. For this, I have to take power from God. I have received God in my life – there is now nothing more to be pulled to or to desire. We have to now leave the sanskara of wanting things. I now have a huge spiritual family… In the past we used to live in joint families; now nobody can tolerate living in that way. Sometimes five families would live together under one roof. They incurred little expense living in this way. There was a great deal of love and unity at that time Nowadays, everyone wants their own house and so there is a great deal of expense incurred. Here, we all belong to One and thus we are one. We come close on the basis of spiritual understanding; we are all children of God and as such we are brothers and sisters. God is our mother and father, our teacher, our friend. He gives us good teachings and values for life. Follow these and your face will sparkle. You will be able to leave all negativity. Baba gives only happiness… Dadi has made God her friend. She has constant companionship from Him. When I am with Him, I am coloured by His company – by His truth. His company makes us truthful. I become honesty in His company. I experience great happiness in His company. All sorrow and impurity finishes in His company. Understand this and you will have no question of how the world will transform. Our Baba does not have a physical body; He will never need to leave a body. He will be with me for my whole life. He takes the support of Brahma Baba to teach us… All I have to do is to receive. If I remain simple I will receive everything I need. For many years Dadi had only 3 sets of clothes. If you remain simple in this world you will become a sample. Now let yourself remain in silence… in silence I can become introverted…. One who is introverted is always blissful… I listen in the state of introversion… focused… I listen and become the embodiment… It is time to become introverted… when I am introverted I can remain stable. Many situations will come in front of me; with God as my companion, I can remain stable… Through the power of concentration, now become introvert. Stop your intellect wandering around here and there. Keep your eyes open but be the king of your senses by concentrating your intellect. Your mind will become peaceful, your body will become cool and calm. We are creating a peaceful atmosphere here… through our silence… I use the support of the gathering to help me focus… to stop my mind wandering around… Who am I? Whose child am I? I can pass any test in this awareness… Pure thoughts bring me peace… Impure thoughts bring peacelessness… It is this simple… When I have powerful thoughts God is present with me… In God’s company I will never be influenced. I will never be defeated… I will never depend on anyone… thus I will be able to remain in self respect… If you have to ask for something, if you have to ask ‘how’ you cannot maintain yourself respect. God tells us everything clearly. God is teaching me… with great love… there is love merged in His every word… He speaks the truth… He speaks for my benefit… for me His child… Interact with everyone with peace and love… I don’t have to remember my mistakes or the mistakes of others. I have to maintain discipline with my own self. Whatever I have to do, let me do it now. Never become disheartened – don’t lose your courage. Through courage you can be truthful and you will learn to trust. Never doubt or you will lose a lot. Faith leads to victory. Encourage yourself and encourage others. Be a trustee in your life and play your role. Renounce all desires… no attachment, no attraction to this world. Become God’s companion and you will be able to leave all old habits. You will feel that you are living a beautiful life… Om Shanti .
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 12:51:04 +0000

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