Daily Astrology Forecast 16-Oct-2013 ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr - TopicsExpress


Daily Astrology Forecast 16-Oct-2013 ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Dont try to hyper or over react on the comments of other persons. Sometimes you can just get yourself worked up about things that are not important. Try to give yourself some space to just relax. You may not have a practical plan of what your next move or should be. TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20) Today, you will be much more emotional in public than usual, which does let other people see your vulnerable side. So you will attract more sympathy from others & at the same time be more sensitive to what is going on around you at work. If you do overwork to excess at the moment you will find your body complaining. GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 21) A real attack of wandering feet will make it tricky to settle down to anything requiring concentration today. You really want to be flying round the world in your hot-air balloon, so just let your imagination soar. But perhaps you need to learn about self-control and setting limits in romance. Be not spontaneous, but practical and straightforward. CANCER (Jun 22 - Jul 23) Today you may be too possessive about material things. Dont hang on too tightly. You do need to stand firm until you find the answers you are looking for, but then let go and roll with the flow. You may be thinking of moving home. Life may not be that exciting at the moment, but patience will help you build solid foundations for the future. LEO (Jul 24 - Aug 23) Today, if there are tensions in relationships you need to find a way out of differences without making your actions too obvious. There is always a trick in finding a middle way. Not being too submissive and letting other people steamroller over you, nor being too pushy yourself. VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) Its a rather self-sacrificing kind of day, which means that you have to put aside your own needs and make sure that everyone else is getting what they want. Just polish your halo and console yourself with the thought that youll soon get your reward. You will be in a much more secure position. LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 22) Sometimes, a joke can break the tension and lift everyone’s spirits in tricky situations. You may feel cut off from certain important people in your life, as if you are not getting all the support and encouragement that you expected. SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 22) There will be a few restrictions or setbacks today. You may feel a bit discouraged but the best tactic is to face up to duty and be conscientious. This is the time to make room for creative changes in your life. Try to let go of old patterns of behavior that have been holding you back. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22) You want to be flamboyant and exuberant, to be in the spotlight. Clearly not a day to be keeping your feelings to yourself. So go flirt, have fun, play games with loved ones. Forget routine chores and duck out if you feel an order coming your way. This may be a difficult time to keep secrets since they seem to slide out into the open. CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20) Your need for security may be pushing you one way while your desire for extravagance pulls you the other. Blame it on the Moon which makes you point in opposite directions at once. You want to be solidly protected, but youre also tempted to feed your body things that feel, smell and taste good, and they never come cheap. AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19) There could be a point today where you get yourself all stewed up about something that isnt as important as youre making it out to be. Your moods tend to chop and change fairly quickly with the Moon around in your own sign, one moment you are outgoing and the next in fast retreat. Highly sensitive to slights, you may over-react as well. PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20) You wont feel much like socialize today. Anything mystical or spiritual will hold your attention since you are tuned into deeper levels of awareness. You will also be very helpful and compassionate as far as other people are concerned. You may have to be more supportive, both financially and emotionally. astrologybyashish/index.html
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:47:49 +0000

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