Daily Blessings Devotional Ronald Jordan He Will Not Remember - TopicsExpress


Daily Blessings Devotional Ronald Jordan He Will Not Remember Your Sins Isaiah 43:25 I, [even] I, [am] he that blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and will not remember your sins.(GMR) I remember one time watching a special on TV about nuclear reactors, and the danger of radioactive material. And I was amazed to learn that the only thing that was keeping the radiation from escaping the chamber was the weight of tons and tons of water. Just hearing it seemed too simple a solution for so serious a problem. I mean, I could hold up a cup of water with no effort at all, but if you added that amount many times over, it was strong enough to hold down anything. Even in the deep dark reaches of the ocean, where there are countless wrecks of ocean liners, and submarines, what keeps them from surfacing is the sheer weight of the water above it. And unless it is raised by some other means, it will never be raised. Well do you know that sin and the guilt it brings is like that radiation? The Lord will blot out your transgressions making it not exist, but so often the guilt that it brings is more damaging than the sin itself. You know you are forgiven by the blood, and stand clean, but in your mind, you do not feel free. But God said something awesome in that verse. That he would not only blot out your sin, so that it is no more, but that he would not remember them! This means that when the Lord forgives you, he intends for you to be free, and not try to hold up what He wants to sink. By the power of His Spirit and His word, He will drown your guilt and condemnation, if you are willing to give it to Him. He wants to cover it so much, with His grace and love, that it will be like a ship sinking to the deepest depths of the ocean. Where nothing can reach it and bring it back to the surface. All He needs is for you to let go. Would you hold on to a piece of radioactive material? Of course not! In the same way, the Lord wants to be the strong one, the one who will cover it, and do away with it, so that you can walk free. If you still struggle with guilt after you know you have been forgiven, just speak the Word over you, and confess His promises. Because you are what He says you are, and He will do what He says He will do. And He will not remember your sins, but will drown it in the sea of His grace.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 23:13:08 +0000

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