Daily Blog - 12/27/2014: THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN!!!! With 5 days - TopicsExpress


Daily Blog - 12/27/2014: THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN!!!! With 5 days to go in my Daily Blog Project, I now shift to broad themes, and go philosophical... Ive covered a lot of ground the past year, some trails serious, some political, some satrical... Today, the topic is LOVE! Like L-O-V-E. Like the song video link I will add at bottom, I am a symptomatic love addict, because I gotz to have it! Someone said once, Love is kind, love is patient, love keeps no record of wrong... My experience with love is this: It doesnt give you warning when it is arriving... it just knocks at your door one day. It is usually gradually developed, but not always. It can be easily confused with lust, or infatuation, but over time, love reveals its true character. Like the book says, there are different levels of love-- erotic love, brotherly love, deep agape love. The last agape love is a biblical term which speaks of unconditional love. It is the most hardest to find. It cant be (in my opinion) easily developed. It isnt able to be copied or cloned, or purchased, or transferred in some mere transaction. Another characteristic is that it exist apart from / separately from / not hinged upon reciprocation, so to put it more plainly: it can typically be one-sided, and usually is. There is no way that I can love Jesus at the same level that He loves me. I can and am trying to learn to imitate it, but frankly, He is out of my league. Here is another big word for you too: fiduciary. Fiduciary is a legal term of sorts and it is like a trustee, and it speaks basically of Putting others interest above your own. A doctor is a great example of a fiduciary relationship. He/she actually puts aside their own safety and they incur RISK in treating you when you have a highly infectious disease for example, knowing that there is a risk, however great or small, that the act of treating you could in fact result in themselves being infected. Doctors understand this, and they make a deliberate decision to do this when they enter the profession. Jesus also puts others interest first, to the degree that He died for people, who not only arent able to ever repay, but dont even deserve His help. He simply did it because, God so loved the world... Ive experienced love. Ive also watch it slip from my fingers. Like I said, it often isnt fully reciprocated, and although this ISNT true for JESUS, for we mortal people, our version of true love CAN be endangered, broken, separated, destroyed... at the very least, the feelings can be changed. At least one good thing about so-called true love is that once experienced, you know what it feels like. It is a little bit like riding a bicycle--it will come back to you. The challenge is the same as it was before--to cherish it, nurture it, protect it, value it, defend it. The problem often is, that experience is something you dont always get until after you already needed it-- or its too late, etc. My adivce: If you are currently dining on true love, savor it. If you arent seek it. If it doesnt feel like its true love, then it probably isnt. The most important thing in the world is love. There is no greater object or thing, apart from God Himself. When you find it, youll do ANYTHING to keep hold of it. Seize the day! Clutch your love. Never let it go. Fight to the death. You only have one time around in this world, and life is too short to settle for anything else other than true love. I hope you find yours. I want to know your thoughts!!! Share them with us all. Its time for you to talk, my readers... Just let it go baby!!!! PEACE!!!! L2theB https://youtube/watch?v=9ccNIjWcAnA
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:06:18 +0000

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