Daily Blog – 3/21/2014: I feel strange today. My - TopicsExpress


Daily Blog – 3/21/2014: I feel strange today. My self-diagnosis is “estrogen poisoning”… My valuable Saturday was spent shopping for a prom dress. We set out for Dallas this morning bright and early to buy the ultimate prom dress, driving a chick car. Worse, my daughter drove most the way there and back, so I had to be “driven” instead of driving; in a chick car, to go buy a chick dress. Guys and girls are so different. The only thing my chick packs for a trip to Dallas is a cellphone charger. I didn’t pack a suitcase, but I did throw in my essentials: money, cellphone, tire flat kit, spit cup, a pistol and a knife (in case I had to “juge” someone…). She played big girl, and had her course all mapped out on the cellphone, down to the exit, and distance of every leg. She had lined out two stores, both on Preston Blvd., and her plot took her by way of Bush Turnpike, so I let her. I would have got off on Arapaho or Belt Line and saved five dollars, but oh well… The first stop was called “Whatchamacallit.” What a place that was! Basically, all the dresses that the natural eye gravitates to cost $900. Some of the lesser picks that don’t incorporate a pound of crystals and two dead birds worth of feathers, were priced around $400 to $450. There were lots of pretty young women trying on lots of very pretty formal type ballroom dresses (what I call them). All a guy can do is sit there, try to be objective, try not to say too much… (difficult for me). In the end, there really weren’t too many there that Miranda actually liked (which was fine by me). Next we drove down a little further to my new best friends at “David’s Bridal Shop.” Primarily bridal dresses, they actually had a decent selection of actual prom dresses, and they were reasonably priced. All of Miranda’s pictures posted earlier were in David’s dresses, and none of them cost over $200! Drum roll~~~~~~~~ Miranda selected dress #1. When we got to the cash register, it actually rang up at $59!!!, and daddy did NOT object! Daddy (and Mommy) actually swooned over dress number 3. I thought #2, the blue one, was better suited for a blonde. Dress number 3 reminded me of sort of a Romanesque toga look. Next, dad took over the wheel to get us to the Galleria; turning off the Tom Tom and transponder and flying by the seat of his pants... We spent the bulk of the time in Macy’s, which isn’t exactly a thrift shop… Several hours later, and a walk back through the mall, back to the parking garage to fetch the dress, and back to Macy’s to match shoes, we settled on a sparkling silver set of high heels, and they were on sale too! Our whole ensemble—dress and shoes—cost $100! THANK YOU LORD!!! I didn’t get to buy anything there (although I did test a liberal amount of Versace cologne). Instead, I went across the street to World Market and bought some exotic liquids, including a “Oh Dang! Brand (actual name) “Butterscotch Root Beer”, which was like, like, totally to die for! (See, I’m even left talking like a chick!!!). Of course, no visit to Dallas with Miranda is complete without a layover at the Olive Garden. The Garden is okay for franchise Italian food. I had portabello raviolis, and pasta fagioli. Honestly, when I look over their menu and rule out all the stuff I won’t buy because I eat it with some regularity (pizza, fettuccini, spaghetti, lasagna, etc.), there isn’t that big of a selection. All of the really freaky Italian specialty dishes are the tiny appetizer dishes that come served on a plate about the size of a toddler’s tea set plate… At any rate, we survived the trip. No heavy arguing. Miranda navigated five o’clock North Central traffic. Dad was lost in his headphones. Mom had to endure rap music for two hundred miles. Daughter is excited! Dad is tired and has a strange desire to want to fire up a chainsaw or watch some UFC… PEACE!!! L2theB lancebailey.org/blog.html
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 00:59:47 +0000

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