Daily Blog – 3/30/2014: Pretty decent weekend. Just returned - TopicsExpress


Daily Blog – 3/30/2014: Pretty decent weekend. Just returned from boating on the lake. Saturday, I got to work on my mancave! Yesterday, I purposely throttled down from my normal blowing and going speed, to somewhere between “old man and turtle speed.” I managed to have some actual non-Facebook conversations. One was with fellow Facebook friends Ross Moore and Candace Hicks. Ross has a new rock business next to McCoy’s, and has every grade of landscape rock you could want. Ross and I were Christian accountability partners for a long while, so he knows what kind of WRETCH that I am, and still loves me. He’s a natural listener as I am a natural talker, so we’re a decent fit—fitting together like boulders and river rocks. Ross and I talked God, church, and rocks… Candace and I talked about UFC, of which she is a rabid fan. Candace talks a lot of smack to me on Facebook, but when we’re face to face she doesn’t say as much, since I enjoy a sizeable weight and reach advantage, and she knows that I would put her in a choke hold faster than you can say “Tap Out!” Next, I got to talk to two friends still living in the Stone Age, who don’t Facebook; Kevin Williams and Dwight Offutt. Both of those fellars are kindred spirits in different ways… Of course, I had a few conversations with the usual suspects as well; my Minister of Finance, Diane; and my chief Purchasing Agent, Miranda. Lastly, I finished off the day with a conversation with rising country music legend, Justin Bowerman who stopped by… I think all in total, I managed to nail up six boards on my mancave, but my distractions were all pleasant. Today has been another lesson in speed and distractions. I went to church this morning for band practice, and we had planned to play five songs, but then we got “The Call.” The call was for a fire on Clay Bluff Road, down on the right. Because my church ought to be called, “The Church of North Lamar County First Responders”, the call resulted in us losing both our lead and rhythm guitarist. We adjusted by our keyboardist Jacob Weissenmayer shifting to guitar, and managed to pull it off. The difficult part for me was having to sit there and play, knowing three things: 1. There’s a fire on my road, on my side of the road. 2. I had a fire last night, which though I’m confident was out this morning, well… I’m not totally confident. 3. There are people in my house, who would be quick to call me if there’s trouble, but I’m not carrying my cell phone… So, I was a little rattled to say the least. To make matters worse for me, the service started out like this: We played one song, then prepared to take up the offering, to which the Preacher threw in an approximate five minute spill. THEN, my singer proceeds to go into a “short story” about a father and son event that he went to this weekend. It felt like about ten minutes. THEN, if that’s not enough, Mike Long who has put together a nice “Pray For Our Local Youth” project took the mic and proceeded to give his spill, which probably lasted fifteen minutes, but felt like forty…(Im not knocking those guys. What they were speaking about was good, but its still stressful when youre in a hurry for what ever reason). THEN, we finally played our remaining songs! I know we started worship approximately no later than 11:05. As soon as we were done playing, I hit my truck and dashed back home. The clock said 11:56 when I hopped in my truck. To make a long story short, the fire was farther down the road at the boat ramp, probably caused by some late night camp fire action (imagine that). Thus, in conclusion, yet another lesson learned by going to church; a study in patience and faith. To me, what I was wanting to hear from God was a reassurance that everything was okay, a booming voice that said audibly to me,”Lance, I got this…” Yet, in reality, what He wants is for me to have faith that “He’s got this” APART from getting notification. And that’s the way it works. Walking by faith. Faith is said to be, “Commitment Before Full Knowledge.” You may not realize it, but that’s what we all do sooner or later. You married your spouse BEFORE you had full knowledge of what they would be like as a spouse. You have faith every time you open your mouth to swallow a pill the doctor prescribed, because you take it on faith that the doctor knows what he’s doing. Flying on an airplane, etc. Relying on God involves faith, time, and waiting. If you’re attentive, you’ll learn things along the way. Over time, I’m continuously taught the same lessons with the same central themes: His powerfulness, and my weakness. PEACE!!! L2theB lancebailey.org/blog.html
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:40:22 +0000

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