Daily Devotion Coins John 14:6 English Standard Version - TopicsExpress


Daily Devotion Coins John 14:6 English Standard Version (ESV) 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Heads or Tails? You flip the coin hoping it lands on your side. For some the heads side is good and for some, not so good. Most people live their lives hopping they have more wins than losses. They hope theyve done just enough to get into heaven. They hope their coin gets flipped on the side theyve called. What if you dont win? What if no matter how many times the coin lands on your side, it doesnt matter? You could be the best giver, the best friend, the most humble, the most gracious person alive and it wont buy your way into heaven. So no matter how many times you flip the coin and win, you will never enter those gates. To a lot of people this message is hard to swallow. They live their lives hopping that their works will buy them a plate with the creator of the universe. They think being a good person will save their souls from eternal separation from God. They hope the coin lands on heads at the final flip. The good news is you dont have to worry about if youve done too much or not enough. Christ has paid your debt. He has conquered death. He has won the war. He has provided a way for you to be saved. Thats the Good News. Thats why you should accept and follow him. As you pick up your cross today... Dont rely on the flip of a coin to determine your eternal home.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 17:40:17 +0000

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