Daily Devotion LISTEN TO TODAYS BROADCAST BY - TopicsExpress


Daily Devotion LISTEN TO TODAYS BROADCAST BY CHARLES SWINDOLL September 3, 2014 Going . . . Not Knowing, Part One Genesis 12:1-5 The statement recurs through Scripture like a repeating telegraph signal on a high frequency radio band. Sometimes faint, barely discernible---sometimes strong, clear. Over and over. Paul made the statement as he was saying goodbye to a group of friends standing with him on an Asian beach. Several of the men wept freely, realizing they would never see the missionary again. The aging apostle looked from man to man, holding each ones eyes for a brief moment. Then, looking out to sea with his weathered hand pointing south to the stormy skies above the Mediterranean, he voiced these words: And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. (Acts 20:22 NIV) What an honest admission! I am going . . . not knowing what will happen . . . Thats what this thing called the Christian life is all about, isnt it? Going . . . yet not knowing. As followers of our Lord we believe He leads us in a certain direction . . . or in pursuit of a precise goal. That leading is unmistakably clear. Not necessarily logical or explainable, but clear. At least to us. So---out of sheer obedience---we go. We pack our bags, pull up stakes, bid our friends farewell, and strike out. We face a future as uncertain as our leading is sure. How strange . . . yet how typical! There isnt a Christian reading my words who hasnt walked that path. And struggled with ways to convince others it was right. And endured the frowns and well-meaning counsel of those who tried to point out why the idea was a fluke . . . even downright foolish. For sure Abraham faced it when he wrenched up roots from his hometown soil and struck out for---lets see, where was he going? He didnt know! There he was, almost seventy-five years old, loading up a camel caravan with his wife and family bound for . . . somewhere. Hebrews 11:8 puts it straight: By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out . . . not knowing where he was going. Abraham, what are you doing? asked a neighbor. Im packing. Packing? Thats right. Were moving. Why? Why in the world would you want to leave Ur? God has made it clear that I should go. God, huh? Youve been talking to Him again? Right. He told me to leave. I must go. Well, where are you going? I dont know. He didnt tell me that. Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You know you oughta go, but you dont know much beyond that, huh? That says it pretty well. Wow . . . thats all I can say . . . wow. God sure gets blamed for a lot of stuff He doesnt have anything to do with. You know, man, some of us have been a little bit worried about the way youve been acting lately. Up to now, its just been a little strange . . . but this, Abraham . . . this takes you off the end of the pier. Its like everyones saying---you really are off the deep end! And so it goes. Who hasnt stepped off the end of the dock to stride on faith footing? Abraham and Paul did it. And, sooner or later, all of us will be called to do it. Are you on the verge of such a decision? Tomorrow, Ill give you some things to ponder before you jump.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:29:24 +0000

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