Daily Devotion September 17, 2013 "Looking into the - TopicsExpress


Daily Devotion September 17, 2013 "Looking into the avoidance" [please click link below for active links in post] Yesterday in “actively avoiding” I stated I was going to write down all the hindrances that were keeping me from involving myself in this one portion of ministry I have been dreading and avoiding. Even though some of my reasons were a bit self-centered they were valid. Why? Because it was how I felt. I think so many times the emotions we feel are devalued by the people in our lives because they think they are silly or invalid. Whether my reasons for not wanting to interact with individuals in this manner were silly or not I am glad that I took the time to recognize them. I know I haven’t said what ‘it’ is cuz I’m not ready to lol but I will share what hindrances I came up with: 1. Being embarrassed so being uncomfortable 2. Physically being out of my comfort zone 3. It’s not fun 4. It’s hard and takes severe commitment 5. I have a negative preconceived notion regarding this task so I don’t want to take part in what I used to adamantly deny. 6. I’m scared 7. Again, I’m uncomfortable with the set of people I have done this with before and feel that if I felt comfortable with the group maybe I’d feel more comfortable taking part in the ministry. I’m glad I made myself look at these things and more because it has finally given God permission to help me get to the bottom of the feelings of embarrassment, shame, fear etc. Again I encourage you to really look at the reasons that you are avoiding your heart ministry. The thing(s) you know you are supposed to be doing but don’t for whatever reason. Maybe your reasons are completely different than mine or maybe they’re the same. The point of it is digging deep, getting down to the bottom of these walls, and breaking them down. Wouldn’t you hate to allow these walls to block your true purpose, the things that bring true glory to the kingdom? I would too so let’s strip them down now! No matter how long it takes you can begin today! “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us” Hebrews 12:1 NLT Praying with you! Pleeeaaassseee if you’re reading this, pray for me lol…ugh smh lol Have a great day! Have you read the blog and topic of the week yet: When I ____ things are broken! Read the daily devotions of the week: Monday: Actively avoiding
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 19:00:27 +0000

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