Daily Devotion Thursday, Nov. 20th: Proverbs 14.26 ‘In the fear - TopicsExpress


Daily Devotion Thursday, Nov. 20th: Proverbs 14.26 ‘In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and one’s children will have a refuge.’ I was raised by a father who often said, “Don’t do what I do, do what I say.” While my mom would also use this phrase, it only came when she had said or done something that she wasn’t necessarily proud of and she didn’t want us to repeat her mistake. The reality is, what parents say – the language they use and rules they put in place for their families - definitely have an impact on their children. But, according to studies, what parents actually model in daily life is far more important, (and this is especially true for fathers.) Which means, of course, that as Christian parents and community together, it is not only our responsibility to talk the talk, but to daily walk the walk, not only for our own sake, but, more importantly, for the sake of our children. So in spite of busy schedules we don’t just talk about being Christians, we make time for worship and take the time to pray together, (even if it’s only table grace in the car over McDonald’s hamburgers.) We not only hold one another accountable for words and actions, but we are intentional about speaking words of forgiveness and asking for forgiveness. The truth is, it’s not easy to raise children in the best of circumstances. But we who live ‘in the fear of the LORD’ do so in the confidence that in the good as well as the challenging times of life, we, like our children, have a sure and certain Refuge who has not only shown us the way, but who has promised that He will never leave or forsake us. Lord, bless parents and all of us as community together, that for today we may be more intentional about modeling our lives after Jesus, the obedient and faithful Son, who is our refuge and strength. AMEN
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 13:30:01 +0000

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