Daily Devotional Soap Box Day 15: God, thank you for today. - TopicsExpress


Daily Devotional Soap Box Day 15: God, thank you for today. Thank you for giving us such a beautiful day! Please help me keep you first in my life. I feel Im growing closer to you and Im getting to know you more and more. Its so wonderful to know how deep your love is for us! Keep me thirsty God, dont let me ever get enough of you. Open my eyes and ears so I know what you want me to study on today. I love you, God. In your name I pray, amen. As many verse that the bible has for me to read and study, Im afraid Im gonna start repeating myself. And I suppose thats fine. Theres many things we look at everyday and everyday we can learn something new about it. So, so what if I repeat myself, in order for you to learn something you have to repeat it. I make brainstorming notes in my phone as they come to me. Most of them are randomness to most people but maybe rambling will help me with what Im writing down. It usually helps.....stall, then something okay comes from it. What if daddys treated their little girls the way their one day husband should treat them? What if moms showed their little boys the way they should treat their one day wives? What if a husband/wife treated their spouse the way theyd want their child to be treated by their spouse one day? It all does back to the verse I mentioned yesterday, you know the one, The Golden Rule. This topic has been eating bag me for months now. After listening to this song, youtu.be/uwGjYO5lccA I really think Im supposed to address it, to myself. Thats who its meant for, me. So, here we go. Church goer vs relationship with God I, Emily Faith Gammill Dees, have been a church goer for most of my life now. I havent had a relationship with God. Ive been a church goer with a hint of a relationship with God, but only when I would need something. And I am so ashamed to just now realize that. I have fooled myself so well, I have fooled others. But now I have a starting relationship with God, and I am so happy! God has been waiting on me, even though I put him on that back burner. Now, hes on the front burner. So, what do I mean by church goer vs relationship with God? Im not sure myself, or if Im even right...... But my definition of a church goer is; a church member, who knows God, theyre at church every time the doors are open, they help the church anyway they can, they bow their heads and pray when its time to pray. But thats it. That was me. I was a church goer. I didnt have that relationship with God. Yes, I knew God and accepted him, into my life, many years ago. But never fully understood, you have to be more than a church goer. Think about the relationship you have with someone, in your life. I used my relationship with Kirby. Kirby and I talk everyday, nothing serious, just swapping howdy partner and hang in there bud. I try to learn about everything I can about him. When we were just dating, I missed him every second we were apart. My heart longed for him. Still does. Theres things I need from Kirby and vise versa. My heart longs for his love. My heart longs to hear from him. Okay..... enough already. My main point is God longs for us. God longs for that relationship with us. He wants to hear from us, he wants to hear how much we love and appreciate him. He wants us to learn everything there is to know about him. He wants to teach us everything there is about him. He wants all the same from us. Thats what I mean by a relationship with God. I long for Gods love, I thirst for his wisdom. I want to see this world through his eyes. I want to ooze with his love. I want to know everything there is to know about him. I want to walk with him beside and in front of me. I want to run to him with every problem I have, I know no matter the size of it, he wont mind listening to me belly ache. I know he will always be there for me, no matter what. I want to shine so bright for him and set so many others on fire that because of him there will be no more darkness. I remember once telling Kirby, I feel like I gave you my heart and you set it on a shelf because you know you have it and dont have to fight any more for it. Right after I told him that, my heart sunk. I realized thats the same exact thing Ive done the God. I accepted him, put him aside and nothing changed. I would need something and go to him. Something would go wrong and I would get angry and yell at him and blame him. Thats not a relationship. You cant be in a relationship with someone and still be on your own. A relationship is something you work on together. Not really sure why I made a side note, in my bible, by Thessalonians 5:16-18 but I did and here it is, Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 05:34:17 +0000

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