Daily Horoscope Thursday, August 21, 2014 Aries - You may - TopicsExpress


Daily Horoscope Thursday, August 21, 2014 Aries - You may secretly worry that reaching your goals will take more time and effort than you have available. Nevertheless, it still makes sense to push forward today or you might lose your edge of enthusiasm. Life is challenging now because one part of you wants to race ahead while another voice is telling you to slow down and proceed with caution. Paradoxically, sharing your dilemma can alleviate your stress and help pave the path to your success. Taurus - You might have fundamental issues that need addressing now and, thankfully, youre up for the task. But, even if you are eager to discuss whats on your mind, circumstances make it difficult to rock the boat. You may be hesitant to soften your stance since you realize the overall significance of the current discussion. Push beyond the resistance; speaking your piece today is better than waiting for a perfect moment sometime in the future. Gemini - You can see a roadblock looming ahead, but your anticipation of a delay gives you more time to think everything through before opening your mouth. Often, you speak your mind first without knowing where the conversation will take you. However, making it up as you go isnt a smart strategy now. Summarize your thoughts by creating an outline to help you better organize your ideas. Doing your homework in advance helps you clarify your message. Cancer - You may feel emotionally charged, but its not necessary to let your moodiness prevent you from expressing your truth today. Thankfully, you get extra juice out of a deep and meaningful conversation, but your perspective could be too extreme now for anyone to handle. Be sensitive to other peoples needs if you must bring up a difficult subject. Remember, someone else might not be as inclined as you are to dig up hidden feelings, even if your intentions are good. Pay attention to the feedback you receive before going too far. Leo - Something could happen today that triggers memories of a past emotional experience which might make you want to bury your feelings. Strong passions are lurking just beneath the surface and you would prefer to keep them out of sight. Dont try to force anything out into the open; trust your own judgment if you believe that acting cautiously is a good strategy now. You can always put your thoughts down in a journal, since this reflective exercise keeps your process moving along in a healthy manner. Virgo - Although logical thinking comes naturally to you and youre at the top of your mental game now, you may be quite hesitant to delve into the emotional realms. Still, you could end up engulfed in a complicated set of circumstances involving others. Dont allow yourself to get distracted by someone elses drama if its just a way to avoid a serious matter of your own. Rather than focusing your energy on external events, honor your true feelings instead. Libra - You might not enjoy being in the public eye today if youre feeling emotionally vulnerable, but youre likely to feel more secure as time moves on. But first you must get through these next few days of practical logistics and strategic planning, even if you typically prefer a more flexible approach. Thankfully, applying yourself diligently now improves your chances of being rewarded later on for your hard work. The only person you need to impress is yourself. Scorpio - You are looking at relationship issues through a very practical filter today; however, dealing with mundane reality wont stop you from dreaming about your future. Its just that your fantasies are more likely than ever to cross the metaphysical gap and manifest as reality now, so dont waste a perfect opportunity on a passing whim. Take control of your life by visualizing exactly what you want to happen and then do everything in your power to make it so. Sagittarius - Surprising conversations about your career objectives may be initiated by other people today, and you might as well go along for the ride. Theres a lot of ground to cover as you concentrate on the logistics of work. Even if you would rather take it easy now, dont miss this chance to solidify a business deal or stabilize your place in the community. Your peers will follow your lead if you act with confidence and integrity. Capricorn - You could benefit from sharing your thoughts with others today since there are still significant issues that remain unresolved. Fortunately, your natural talent for organizing ideas makes your presentation even better. Nevertheless, its also wise to trust your feelings and listen to your heart when you get a moment alone. You can always ask your closest friends to warn you if you wander too far off track. It never hurts to have a second opinion from someone you trust. Aquarius - You would like everyone to take you more seriously now; youre in a productive phase and want to be appreciated for your contributions. Show up and perform your job to the best of your abilities, even if its behind the scenes. Dont worry if others appear to be unaware of your efforts since it may take additional time to gain recognition. Keep up the hard work; karma is on your side. Pisces - Taking a break from your daily routine sounds like a perfect idea today but practical concerns weigh heavily on your mind. Theres no point in resisting your responsibilities now, so delay the fun and games until you finish your chores. Someone may demand even more of your time and energy than you think you have to give. Nevertheless, do your absolute best and then reward yourself with a bit of well-earned rest and relaxation once youre done.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 07:56:50 +0000

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