Daily Horoscope Wednesday, July 23, 2014 Aries - Your - TopicsExpress


Daily Horoscope Wednesday, July 23, 2014 Aries - Your confidence might have flagged during the past month, but change is in the air and things are beginning to improve. A noticeable shift in your attitude wont occur overnight, but you feel more positive day by day. Allow the current events to unfold without resistance while continuing to affirm that better times are on the way. Believing in yourself, coupled with the Suns move into your 5th House of Creativity, is all it takes to chase away the clouds of self-doubt. Taurus - You are more in touch with your feelings while the Suns presence in your 4th House of Roots lights up your walk down Memory Lane. However, you could be hijacked by your past if youre not careful. Dont bother trying to hold onto childhood perspectives any more, especially if they reinforce your concerns about scarcity. Remember, the universe is overflowing with unlimited possibilities, so show up with a smile and do what you can to transform your fears into love Gemini - A wave of insecurity might cause you to overcompensate and show only your very best side today. But your positive attitude could come across as false if you sound blindly optimistic. Its of no value to hide the truth now, even if its not what you think someone else wants to hear. Dont get bent out of shape over the wrong things; stick to the facts and let others take responsibility for their reactions. The only person within your control is you. Cancer - ou might feel a surprising sense of relief as the relentless Sun leaves your sign. Youre no longer in the spotlight, allowing you to work more quietly behind the scenes. But you might not want to withdraw into your shell for too long because the Moon slips into your 11th House of Social Networking tonight. You wish you could just make up your mind but youre being pulled in two totally different directions. Instead of buying into the illusion that you must make a choice, you will be happier if you just go with the flow. Leo - Youre in your own element today; you have a specific agenda and nothing will stand between you and your destination. Theres only one problem with believing youre invincible: youre not. You might run into danger if you try to outsmart reality. Luckily, your wildest dreams are within reach as long as you have enough flexibility to respond to the changing conditions of the road. The power of positive thinking works in your favor, but you cant rush success. Virgo - You arent a happy camper if you discover someone is keeping pertinent information from you today but, thankfully, you are able to efficiently handle the situation. Even a difficult experience can quickly morph into a positive one if you exude confidence, rather than doubt. The willful Sun and opinionated Jupiter are both traveling through your 12th House of Secrets; change the game now by preemptively exploring the hidden realms of your subconscious. Happiness comes from the clues you find buried deep in the shadows. Libra - You want to keep up with your friends because they appear to be having more than their fair share of fun. Even at work, your associates dont seem to be working very hard today. The good news is your productivity wont necessarily suffer if you join in the social festivities now. Luckily, the brilliant Suns shift into your 11th House of Long-Term Goals enables you to find pleasure in the present moment while also keeping an eye on the future. Scorpio - Its disconcerting if someone assumes that you will always drop your personal priorities when asked. You wouldnt mind offering your assistance out of the goodness of your heart, but you dont appreciate the pressure of being told what to do. Theres no need to say yes and jump right in. Believe it or not, others will get by without you immediately rushing to their rescue today. Considering all your options before responding may be enough of a cue to convey that you dont want anyone to take advantage of your generosity. Sagittarius - Perhaps youre busy dreaming about unrealistic scenarios to avoid dealing with the promises you already made. Your intentions may have been sincere in the moment, but your time is running short and you dont know how youre going to fulfill all of your obligations now. Keep in mind that even a minor task could grow into a major one today. Dont make any sudden changes to your overall strategy yet; wait a few days to see how the new landscape takes shape and then re-establish a fresh set of priorities. Your future is bright as long as your energy isnt spread too thin. Capricorn - One of the secrets of the zodiac is that although you Capricorns are known for working hard, you like to play hard, too. People often see you as so serious and ambitious that they underestimate your ability to have fun. Romance can certainly play a role in your activities these days, but dont fall into the trap of being too goal-oriented. Instead, take a day off from the need to accomplish anything. Living in the present moment enables you to return to your responsibilities with a fresh perspective on life. Aquarius - Everyone you know is playing a part in your movie now that the dramatic Leo Sun is holding court in your 7th House of Others. Unfortunately, you may be growing weary of someones self-promoting behavior. You crave sincerity and truthfulness, but could feel as if youre currently being shortchanged in your relationships. It will be a lot less stressful if you accept the fact that others are probably giving all that they can. Instead of wishing for more, be appreciative of what you have today. Pisces - You would like to have more free time at your disposal today, but you may have already overcommitted yourself in the chores department. Running errands and helping others prevent you from following your fantasies. But dont complain about your obligations; just doggedly finish what you can with a smile in your heart. Thankfully, if you apply yourself diligently during the day, you should have time for more pleasurable pursuits in the evening.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 07:40:29 +0000

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