Daily Light December 6, 2014 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 In - TopicsExpress


Daily Light December 6, 2014 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 In Chapter 13, Jesus gives several parables. These are commonly called the parables of the kingdom. Someone has defined a parable as an earthly story with a Heavenly meaning. Jesus tells His disciples that the reason He teaches in parables is to hide the truth from those who have no intention of obeying the truth. His followers who desire to serve Him will understand. In the case of this first parable Jesus leaves us in no doubt of the meaning. He gives the parable itself in verse 1-9 and the interpretation in verses 18-23. This parable is commonly called the Parable of the Sower but a better title is the Parable of the Soils. He tells of a farmer who is sowing his seed and the seeds fall in different kinds of ground or soil. In His explanation He tells us that the seed is the Word of God. The soils represent the different kinds of hearers of the Word; 1. The first group of seed falls on hard ground. Obviously it cannot put down roots and therefore cannot grow. This represents the hearer who is hardened against the Word of God and refuses to hear. 2. Then the seeds fall on rocky ground. This would be ground that had a thin layer of topsoil. The seed would try to put down roots but could not go beyond the rocky ground under the topsoil. So the plant withers away quickly. This represents the hearer who is shallow in his hearing the Word. He refuses to dig down deep in studying God’s Word. He is satisfied with an emotional thrill when he goes to Church. He is not interested in a Bible study. 3. Some seed fell among the thorns. The seed would be in competition with the thorns for water and nutrients and the thorns would win. This represents the hearers who allow other things such as riches, the cares and concerns of this life crowd out the Word of God. These things are not necessarily evil things. It is possible to allow good things to crowd out the best things. 4. This seed falls on good ground and brings forth fruit. This represents the hearer who eagerly studies the Word of God and grows thereby. I cannot make a dogmatic statement here but this parable seems to tell me that about ¼ of the people who hear me preach will really mean business with God. Having served as a pastor for some 40 years I am afraid that I would have to agree with that statement. What kind of hearer are you? May God richly bless you as you walk in the light!
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 12:11:16 +0000

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