Daily Living Word with Pastors Daniel & Sheela Daniel Gossip is - TopicsExpress


Daily Living Word with Pastors Daniel & Sheela Daniel Gossip is incredibly destructive. Why do you think it is so hard to walk away from gossip? 1 Peter 3:9 Amplified Bible (AMP) 9 Never return evil for evil or insult for insult (scolding, tongue-lashing, berating), but on the contrary blessing [praying for their welfare, happiness, and protection, and truly pitying and loving them]. For know that to this you have been called, that you may yourselves inherit a blessing [from God—that you may obtain a blessing as heirs, bringing welfare and happiness and protection]. The Bible says to forgive even your enemies. Proverbs 17:9 Amplified Bible (AMP) 9 He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or harps on a matter separates even close friends. Gossip is incredibly destructive. It is destructive to churches, families, and businesses. It is destructive to your life. It tears you up. It separates the closest of friends. The worst thing about gossip is that the crazy-maker wins! All of a sudden, your crazy-maker is controlling your conversation. The crazy-maker is controlling your emotions. Don’t let that person win! Don’t let the crazy-maker win by choosing gossip.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 01:37:23 +0000

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