Daily Manna: Conquering Fear Sunday 16, March 2014 TEXT: - TopicsExpress


Daily Manna: Conquering Fear Sunday 16, March 2014 TEXT: ISAIAH 8:9-22 Key verse: “Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread” (Isaiah 8:13). The best of men are sometimes prone to fear. The devil preys on people by promoting their fears, pointing out their seemingly hopeless situation and suggesting solutions to them. But once hope comes, fear is banished away. Unfortunately, many are ignorant of how to stay on hope and resist the arrest of fear. The Jews sank to this low sea when faced with the overwhelming onslaught of their enemies. The prophet therefore, brought them assurance of deliverance. He also had a sharp rebuke for their boastful and self-confident foes. He encouraged the Jews against sinful fear, which not only leads to despair, but also provokes unholy alliance. He told them to avoid negative confession, and to fear God. Those who would not believe Him would receive His punishment. For theirs was a great privilege in having the written word. The word was complete and needed neither additions nor subtractions. That word should suffice for them. They should see God’s hand in all that had befallen them, resolve to wait on Him and expect His eventual mercy. They must not seek help from the wrong sources. Instead, they should turn to God. They had the word of God which should be their counsel and standard, otherwise, disregarding it was a proof that they lacked understanding. Times of trouble are not times to surrender to fear. When you seem to be facing God’s neglect, and your prayers remain unanswered, do not despair. You must beat off all suggestions to revert to idolatry. When the enemy appears so near or problems crowd on you, you need to turn to God. But you cannot trust God if you do not believe and obey His word. God’s promises abound in the scriptures and cannot fail. He will pardon your guilt, provide for your need, and in danger, He will protect and shield you. Only by holding tightly to the word of God can you daily experience the miraculous. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To fear God is to triumph over fear.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:30:58 +0000

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