Daily Manna: Mount Of Transfiguration Monday 28, October - TopicsExpress


Daily Manna: Mount Of Transfiguration Monday 28, October 2013 TEXT: MARK 9:1-13 KEY VERSE: “And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them” (Mark 9:2). A preacher once said: “Sometime ago we noticed that a tree planted at the sunny end of a house had large and beautiful flowers and fruits. It was a feast to the eyes; but what an amazing difference in some of the branches trained round the corner of the house where they got much less sun. The blossoms were starred and drooping, and there was little promise of fruit. They had the same root and stem in common, but while one part of the tree was in full glorious light, the other branches were in the shade.” Our spiritual enlightenment are directly proportional to our exposure to the depth of the Word of God. Many Christians today are in . power, anointing and deep knowledge of the things of God. They may spend up to forty days fasting and praying on the mount in order to receive the mysteries of God. Unfortunately, this type of people normally come back home with tales of woes, of one demonic affliction or the other. Peter, James and John were three of the original twelve disciples of Christ. The Lord chose them out of the pack to go to the mountain. There, He had a rendezvous with Moses and Elijah, the representatives of the law and the prophets. This was one of the greatest revelations that the religious leaders in Israel would have done u possible to receive. But it is not religiousity but real closeness to the Lord that brings transformation. Do you want a similar transfiguration experience? Then get closer to God in His Word and prayer. Obey every jot and tittle of it. Over time, His grace will flow in your life. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: In His presence only is fullness of Deliverance, Holiness, and Restoration
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 05:55:15 +0000

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