Daily Manna: Precepts For The Wise Thursday, June 6, 2013 TEXT: - TopicsExpress


Daily Manna: Precepts For The Wise Thursday, June 6, 2013 TEXT: PROVERBS 3:27-35 Key Verse : “The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools” (Proverbs 3:35). There are basically two sets of people in the world: the wise and the foolish. In God’s reckoning, godly, righteous, good or holy people are regarded as wise. On the other hand, godless, wicked, unrighteous and unholy people are considered foolish, irrespective of their education or social standing. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in the world walk in the way of fools, though they may consider themselves wise. In our text, God gives precepts for the wise, that is, those who have decided to trust Him for sustenance. God’s children are wise and they take His word seriously. Thus, He gives them rules to make them wiser. In the first five verses, He gives specific instructions about our relationship with others, namely: don’t refuse to do the good that you can do; don’t tell your neighbour to go and come the next day when you can handle his request now; don’t plan or arrange mischief against anyone; don’t be envious of anyone, not even an oppressor who finds pleasure in making others unhappy. If you check your life carefully, you may discover that you have veered off the path of the wise and entered the way of the foolish. You can decide now to get back with the attendant blessings from God. He will reveal His mind to you (verse 32); He will bless your habitation (verse 33); He will give you grace (verse 34); and you will inherit His glory (verse 35). Decide to stand on the side of those considered in the courts of heaven as meek, lowly and wise. Thought for the Day : He who is wise upholds all that is godly.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 05:39:19 +0000

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