Daily Manna TOPIC: Stick To The Blueprint Saturday, January 24, - TopicsExpress


Daily Manna TOPIC: Stick To The Blueprint Saturday, January 24, 2015 TEXT: JOSHUA 11:10-23 Key Verse: “As the LORD commanded Moses his servant, so did Moses command Joshua, and so did Joshua; he left nothing undone of all that the LORD commanded Moses” ( Joshua 11:15). Joshua had been a very faithful and loyal servant of Moses. No doubt, he must have carefully observed the life of Moses especially with the way Moses obeyed and carried out the instructions of God. He knew that the secret of his success was in his careful obedience to God and must also have learnt from the incidence that prevented Moses from getting to the land of Canaan. As he took over the mantle of leadership from Moses and was handed the manual for his operations and the blueprint for his success – “this Book of the Law” - Joshua was careful enough to follow every detail without fail. No wonder he had such a very successful campaign and had no record of rebellion or stubbornness among his followers. The passage for today’s reading outlines the summary of his conquest. As he obeyed the Lord, he found the initial promise he was given that “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have given unto you…” and “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life…” ( Joshua 1:3, 5) to be very true. As he marched out in battle with faith and courage, kings and kingdoms collapsed before him until he had fully taken possession of the land. He followed the divine blueprint and obtained the promised good success ( Joshua 1:8). If we wish to be as prosperous and successful as Joshua, we must also obey all that the Lord commanded us. In ministry, marriage or career, true and lasting success will always come through courage and obedience to the Word. Compromise, unfaithfulness, disobedience and the desire to be like other people are some of the reasons so many have failed today. If we mark the path of successful men and follow the trail they have left, there is no doubt that we too will be successful. So, let’s stick to the blueprint. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: ACTS 22 - 23 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: God’s word is the divine blueprint for success, stick to it.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 07:50:32 +0000

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