Daily Manna: Total Victory Saturday 24, August 2013 TEXT: ESTHER - TopicsExpress


Daily Manna: Total Victory Saturday 24, August 2013 TEXT: ESTHER 8:1-10 KEY VERSE: “On that day did the king Ahasuerus give the house of Haman the Jews’ enemy unto Esther the queen. And Mordecai came before the king; for Esther had told what he was unto her” (Esther 8:1). 0 It is dangerous to assume that the defeat of a chief enemy signifies the final end of a battle. There is the likelihood that there are other offsprings and kinsmen of such an enemy that could step in the shoes of their forebears. . Esther was well aware of this important fact and decided not to leave anything to chance. After the death of Haman, the number one enemy of Jews in Shushan, Esther knew that unless there was a reversal of the evil letters Haman had written and documented to destroy the Jews, some of his loyalists may try to push for the implementation of the wicked agenda someday. It was after the request was granted that the Jews were sure of total freedom in all the king’s provinces. In a dangerous and wicked world, believers must possess the wisdom of God to survive the wiles of the wicked. Nothing must be taken for granted. Believers must think and act fast at all times, especially during trying moments. It must be understood that it is dangerous for saints to relax because they have just received one blessing or the other from the Almighty. Goliath and Pharaoh’s defeat may not spell total freedom for believers, unless their brothers are also subdued. Believers must not take anything for granted. Esther worked to reverse the plot against the Jews even though Haman had died. Every evil letter written and signed against us must be reversed in Jesus’ Name. We must take nothing for granted. The believer must always be as watchful as he is prayerful till the end for total victory. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Endure to the end for complete victory.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 06:31:37 +0000

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