Daily Manna: Trust God, He Still Cares TEXT: PSALM 82:1-7 KEY - TopicsExpress


Daily Manna: Trust God, He Still Cares TEXT: PSALM 82:1-7 KEY VERSE: “How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah” (Psalm 82:2). Sometimes, it seems that God is unaware of the evil activities of the wicked, or that He would allow them to get away literally, with them. We watch as sinful men perpetrate all kinds of crime imaginable with so much impunity. Some who are weak-minded may even be tempted to conclude that if the wicked are going scot free, then, there may be no profit in doing right. The Psalmist in our text was moving in this direction. He knew that God was the judge of heaven and earth. But he could not understand the delay with which the Lord was attending to the excesses of wicked men. He therefore called on God to defend the poor and fatherless, to mete out justice in favour of the afflicted and needy persons. He urged God to urgently rescue the poor and needy from the hands of the wicked. These hapless victims had become disoriented and were almost giving up hope that help could ever come from any quarter. Yet, irrespective of how powerful the wicked may be, they were still men who would one day die like all human beings. When the Psalmist seemed to realise this, he promptly urged God to arise and judge the earth, especially as He has control over all nations. God does not work at our pace. While we are limited, He has power over time and space. He is the Almighty. He knows all things. He sees all the evil that men are perpetrating on earth and He hears the weeping of those suffering unjustly. He is touched by their cries. But while He may appear to delay judgment over evil, He would never ignore it. Sometimes, He delays action to see if the wicked can change. He may also allow us to suffer victimization so as to perfect us in His sight. Either way, in His own set time, He will rescue the sufferer and bring the wicked to book. Our role is to trust and wait for Him to act, knowing that He makes all things beautiful in His own time. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Rest assured: the wicked will not go unpunished. - See more at: blog.dclmhq.org/2013/07/daily-manna-trust-god-he-still-cares.html#sthash.2SzGaaHY.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 10:29:15 +0000

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