Daily News Summary- April 6th, 2014 Local News • Maan - TopicsExpress


Daily News Summary- April 6th, 2014 Local News • Maan News: maannews.net/eng/Default.aspx - Minister: Over 1,500 Palestinian children killed since 2000 - Gaza rocket lands in open area near Ashkelon - Israeli settlers uproot 350 grape vines south of Bethlehem • Palestine News Network: english.pnn.ps/ - Kerry: It’s Reality Check Time, U.S. Will Evaluate Role in Peace Process - Two Palestinians Injured by Israeli Airstrikes in Gaza - Erekat Calls for the Convening of the Palestinian National Council with the Participation of Hamas and Islamic Jihad • Jerusalem Post: jpost/ - Israel readying war crimes indictment against Abbas, minister says - EU backs Kerry’s efforts in Mideast peace process - Livni: Abbas needs to prove he is a partner for peace to resolve ‘crisis’ • Haaretz: haaretz/ - Ehud Olmert’s attorneys to be quizzed in new obstruction-of-justice probe - Panel: How we can solve Israel’s poverty crisis? Firstly, admit there’s a problem here - Make funding for settlements transparent • Arutz Sheva: israelnationalnews/ - Ramallah Insists Israel Torpedoed Talks - Arabs Hurl Firebombs at Jerusalem Nightclub - Former CIA Chief: Pollard Release Only on Humanitarian Grounds International News Sources • Al-Monitor: al-monitor/ - Knesset member warns of Arab Spring in West Bank - Palestinians are right to go UN route - Erdogan’s fractured ties to the West • The New York Times: nytimes/ - Afghan Turnout is High as Voters Defy the Taliban - A Peace Process in Which Process Has Come to Outweigh Peace - Leftward Shift by Conservative Cleric Leaves Saudis Perplexed • BBC: bbc.co.uk/ - Syria crisis: Clashes in Jordan’s Zaatari camp - Tribal clashes kill 23 in Egypt - Israel cancels Palestinian prisoner release Everyday IPCRIs interns gather news articles from both local and international news outlets in order to stay on top of the latest developments and analysis of issues related to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and peace process. The opinions, ideas and word choice discussed in the articles above do not represent the views and opinions of IPCRI and should therefore be considered only as overview of news covered in daily media outlets.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 08:00:36 +0000

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