Daily News Summary – January 30, 2014 Local News – • - TopicsExpress


Daily News Summary – January 30, 2014 Local News – • Maan News: maannews.net/eng/Default.aspx - Youths clash with PA security forces in Ramallah - 20,000 people in Yarmouk refugee camp face starvation - Ramallah governor briefly held by Israeli forces • Palestine News Network: english.pnn.ps/ - IOF Forces Demolish Palestinian Village in the Jordan Valley - IOF Shot Dead a Palestinian near Ramallah - Minister of Public Works Condemns the Killing of the Worker Mubarak by Israeli Soldiers • Jerusalem Post: jpost/ - Thomas Friedman: Kerrys plan envisions Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem - Margalit: Arrest of Hamas cell points to increased radicalism of young Arabs in capital - Steinitz: Abbas is world’s number one anti-Semitic leader • Haaretz: haaretz/ - Lapid: If talks with Palestinians collapse, economy will be battered - Thomas Friedman: Kerrys plan envisions Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem - Scarlett Johansson stepping down as Oxfam ambassador • Arutz Sheva: israelnationalnews/ - Kerry Considers Direct Appeal to Israelis - 170,000 Rockets Aimed at Israel - Palestinian Arab Driver Tries to Run Over IDF Soldiers International News Sources – • Al-Monitor: al-monitor/ - Abbas backs NATO peacekeeping role after Israeli withdrawal - Netanyahu reveals no intention of settler withdrawal - Netanyahu seizes chance to put Bennett in his place • The New York Times: newyorktimes/ - Tension Builds in Israeli Coalition at a Critical Juncture in Peace Talks - Despite Decades of Enmity, Israel Quietly Aids Syrian Civilians - Syrian Opposition’s Calm at Talks Surprises as Officials Falter • BBC: bbc.co.uk/ - Palestinian shot dead in West Bank - Nothing substantive from Syria talks - Journalists face charges in Egypt - Morsi defiant at jailbreak trial - Syria pressed on transition at talks - Israeli jailed for Iran spying offer Everyday IPCRIs interns gather news articles from both local and international news outlet in order to stay on top of the latest developments and analysis of issues related to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and peace process. The opinions, ideas and word choice discussed in the articles above do not represent the views and opinions of IPCRI and should therefore only be considered as an overview of news covered in daily media outlets.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 08:56:20 +0000

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