Daily Prayer 9.16.13 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here - TopicsExpress


Daily Prayer 9.16.13 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” - Matthew 12:49 “Lord, I want to be as close as possible to You. Make me one with You, I pray. Amen” I saw a Facebook post yesterday that featured two pictures, one of an eight year old boy and the other of his father when he was the same age. The post was making the rounds on the internet because of the remarkable similarity between the two. The boys pictured were almost identical, right down to the angle of the ears, the shape of the mouth and face, the way they smiled, even the hopeful, jaunty look in their eye. A father and son, born thirty-one years apart, yet they could easily be mistaken for the same person. We know that family relations are closely bound together at a cellular level. But Jesus offers a vision of relationship between us and God that is even closer and comes about by virtue of our living in His will. When the seeds of surrender, obedience and weakness before Him are sown in us, we reap a relationship with God that goes beyond the material fact of our having been created by His hand. We enter into a relationship that blossoms into a kinship of spirit which means that we are never alone, a relationship that finds us waking up in the morning anticipating what we’ll do with God that day and drifting off to sleep in conversation with Him over what was wrought. In such a relationship with God we are beckoned to His word throughout the day, surprised by His grace when we least expect it, are trusting of Him as He works His way in our lives in His time. Jesus says that those who walk in His Kingdom way, defined as being in His will, are His closest relations. Right down to the heart. Good morning, all! Please remember these persons in your prayers today: Dan and Jim; in their battle with cancer. Judy, whose spider bite is still bad, for healing. Joanne and Norm; for travel mercies. Sal, as she enters into the final weeks of this phase of her treatments, for strength and healing. Jen and her family, as she continues her struggle with cancer. Fay; for recovery and in gratitude that all was clear. All those in the Armed Forces, and their families. Lord of all, I marvel at Your grace and Your desire to let Your will become my will. Give me the courage to surrender to You, so that I might enter into real relationship with You today. [silence] Lord Jesus, we pray this morning for our friends, many of whom are struggling and need Your help. Lord, we pray for speedy and complete healing for those who in recovery, we pray for remission of disease for those who are battling cancer, we pray that Your strength will be the portion of those who are supporting the ill. We pray for those who are separated from their families today while serving our country. Bless us all that we might come to know You better and love You fully. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:37:04 +0000

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