Daily Prayerbits Podcast - Watched and Observed 2/03/2014 Matthew - TopicsExpress


Daily Prayerbits Podcast - Watched and Observed 2/03/2014 Matthew Devotionals (Click on link to listen) ----------------------------------------------- Matthew 18:6-7 6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! ---------------- We all have the ability to influence people whether we recognize it or not. Some people have a position where they are capable of influencing more people than others but from all ends of the social, personality and economic spectrum there is human impact and consequences for the decisions we make, the things we do and the words we say. There are really only two ways we can influence people, either we influence them and direct them towards things of beauty and truth or we influence and direct them to toward things that are not beautiful and are deceitful in bringing life. The scary part is we can influence people without consciously knowing that we are even having an impact. People are watching us, observing us, taking in the good and the bad and then in turn they might just let our behavior become their behaviour. This reality is never more apparent than in the lives of our children. I am sure almost all parents worry that their children might pick up some of their bad habits just by passing on some of their genetics. But we should be more concerned about what our children are observing in our lives day in and day out rather than the genetic gene pool they have inherited. For example, where are your priorities in life? Are your children observing that work is more important than time with your family? What about the words you say? Are your words tearing down your family more than building them up? Or how about the entertainment choices we make? Are you watching shows or going to websites that you would never want to see your kids replicating in their own lives? And it’s not just our kids that are watching and observing us; it’s our coworkers, our family members, our neighbors and most importantly God is watching and observing how we influence people. Someone is always watching and observing us whether we know it or not. Jesus warns us that we need to be very cautious about making sure we aren’t bringing stumbling blocks into this world because there will be a heavy consequence for those that influence other people to stumble. God loves people and he will ultimately have the last word on those that are involved in hurting and misdirecting the people he loves. Don’t be that person, make the choice to influence people in the beauty and truth side of the equation and never forget that we are always being watched and observed. prayerbits.org
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 08:00:35 +0000

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