Daily Rapture Ready News: 23 Nov 14 Five killed and more - TopicsExpress


Daily Rapture Ready News: 23 Nov 14 Five killed and more than 50 people injured including children hurt in stampede after strong earthquake in China Children were trampled underfoot as they tried to flee their school during the panic after the magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck Sichuan province, western China. Japan earthquake collapses homes, causes injuries A strong earthquake late Saturday struck a mountainous area of central Japan that hosted the 1998 winter Olympics, knocking down at least 10 homes in a ski resort town and injuring more than 20 people, officials said. The magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck near Nagano. Ukraine crisis: Lavrov warns over Russia regime change goal Western sanctions against Russia over its role in Ukraine are aimed at forcing regime change in Moscow, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says. Speaking to foreign policy advisers in Moscow, Mr Lavrov referred to calls for sanctions that will destroy the economy and cause public protests. On Thursday, President Vladimir Putin said Moscow must guard against a colour revolution. Internet data plan back on political agenda UK: A law forcing firms to hand details to police identifying who was using a computer or mobile phone at a given time is to be outlined by Theresa May. The home secretary said the measure would improve national security. Under the Anti-Terrorism and Security Bill, providers would have to hold on to data linking devices to users. Netanyahu: Jewish State bill reflects values I support How can people who support the concept of two-states for two-people be opposed to a law designating Israel as the Jewish homeland, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu asked at the...cabinet meeting where he brought...the controversial Jewish state bill to a vote. “People ask who needs this bill; we have managed 66 years without it,” Netanyahu said. “And I ask, who needs the basic law: Human Dignity and Liberty, we managed 45 years without it. Iran says nuclear deal impossible by November 24 deadline: ISNA Iran says it will not be possible by a November 24 deadline to reach a comprehensive deal with world powers aimed at resolving the stand-off over Tehrans nuclear ambitions, the Iranian Students News Agency ISNA reported on Sunday. Pipe bomb thrown at police in capital injures east Jerusalem resident A pipe bomb was thrown at a police force securing the Shuafat refugee camp which sits just north of Jerusalems historic Old City in the northeastern part of the capital. Praising Allah at the National Cathedral Recently, I had the privilege to visit the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. Someone asked me, What were you doing there? My response: Worshiping Jesus Christ. 37 homes collapse, dozens injured in Japan quake Helicopter surveys on Sunday showed more extensive damage than earlier thought from an overnight earthquake in the mountainous central Japan area that hosted the 1998 Winter Olympics. Lavrov accuses West of seeking regime change in Russia Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the West on Saturday of trying to use sanctions imposed on Moscow in the Ukraine crisis to seek regime change in Russia. Ferguson grand jury decision unlikely this weekend, sources say The grand jury considering whether to indict the Ferguson police officer who shot and killed teenager Michael Brown is unlikely to meet and render a decision this weekend, sources told Fox News on Saturday. Those same sources say it is likely the grand jury will wait until Monday to reconvene. US to expand 2015 Afghanistan combat role US troops in Afghanistan will be allowed to target Taliban fighters in Afghanistan from 2015, US officials say, expanding their role after the end of major combat operations. Guidelines approved by President Barack Obama will also provide air support for Afghan missions, US media report. Concerned about nuclear pact, Israel weighs action against Iran: Jerusalem Post The nuclear pact being negotiated between Iran and world powers is unpalatable to Israel, and may hasten the prospect of a military confrontation with Tehran, The Jerusalem Post reported on Saturday. As the globes six big nuclear powers inch toward a Nov. 24 deadline to strike a comprehensive deal with Iran, sources within Israels government told the publication that the proposal to curb Tehrans nuclear ambitions would all but guarantee the standoff would continue Kenya bus attack: Al-Shabab wants religious war The slaughter of 28 people on a bus in Kenya is a bid to start a religious war, a senior adviser to President Uhuru Kenyatta has told the BBC. Abdikadir Mohammed called on Kenyans of all faiths and creeds to stand together against the heinous crimes.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:50:23 +0000

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