Daily Searchlight. Monday, September 1st, 2014. THE BASIS OF - TopicsExpress


Daily Searchlight. Monday, September 1st, 2014. THE BASIS OF ISREALS DEFEAT (Continued). Text: Joshua 6:18; 7:1 Meditative Verse: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled - Hebrews 12:15 (KJV) Our last lessons were on the attributes on sin and its expressive effect that endanger others. We learnt the importance of watchfulness during celebrations. Today in brief, lets study the scriptural outlines on the cosequence of one persons sin that affected many. Undoubtly, sin is a scourge both to the sinner and those who relate in any way with such a person (Proverbs 15:27). Isreal was afflicted because king David was moved by the devil to number the people (1 Chronicles 21:1-11); Jonahs rebellion caused the mariners to suffer from great storm and cargo been loss (Jonah 1); Hamor, Shechem and the people of their city were destroyed as a result of Shechems fornication with Dinah (Genesis 34). Imperatively, as christians, we should be careful at all times, looking diligently ... lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble [the rest of us], and thereby many be defiled: as seen in our Meditative Verse. On the positive side, the holy zeal in judgment of Phinehas stayed the plague of Gods wrath against Isreals idolatry and fornication at Peor (Numbers 25); Rahabs faith and believe in the God of Isreal saved her and her entire household. Apostle Pauls prayer and faith saved the two hundred and seventy-six men (276) that were with him in a shipwreck (Acts 27:21-44). To crown it all, our Lord Jesus Christ came to the world in the likeness of mans sinful flesh, identified with humility so that His vicarious death, righteousness and victory over sin and satan may be imputed for the benefit of all who will believe in Him (Romans 5:15). However, as man lost his God-given dominion by the disobedience at Eden, so did Christ by His representative obedience and sacrificial love restore us to Gods favour and forgiveness. To any one who believes in Him, He imputs His righteousness (Romans 5:19). You have learnt how people are consequently affected by the sin of one man. Its so also in our family, churches, community. Believers are to watch diligently, so as not to be the single man, brother, sister, daddy, mummy, pastor, minister or leader that will be the reason why others people will go to hell, unhappy, discomforted. Sometimes, you reason why some people are eager for you to leave or pack out of a compound, family or Church. Most of the times, because we fail to be the ones adding peace, joy, love and godliness. What about your dressings, manners, comportmen and disposition? Does it increase sin rate or decrease it? Again, let us not fail in fulfilling righteousness, showing righteousness, possessing righteousness and providing righteousness; courageously. Follow peace with all men not at the expense of your holiness because without which no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14) Prayers: Lord, make me an instrument that will propagate godliness and righteousness any where I may be. In Jesus name. Amen Further Reading: Romans 5:15,19; 12:18,19 [email protected] Happy New month and a investing Monday!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:06:12 +0000

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