Daily Searchlight Thurday, July 31st, 2014. CONDEMNATION AND - TopicsExpress


Daily Searchlight Thurday, July 31st, 2014. CONDEMNATION AND WARNING AGAINST HYPOCRISY (Continue) Text: Matthew 23:2-7 Meditative Verse: For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:20 KJV). The damnations of the Pharisaic services to God is inevitable. This is why Christ dont want the influence of the hypocrites to be named among the believers. However, our text is pungent and expository on the traits of the Pharisaic characters- hypocrisy, and by our Lord. Jesus Christ, the righteous Judge warned oftenly his disciples not to be like them as in Matthew 6:1-18 and even from our meditative verse. Christ knew them and their trickish or cunny behaviours aimed to infilterate the reason why Christ is manifested. The Scriptures made the Christians to know the hypocrites but some are so deceptive that it take one with the Spirit of discernment to fingure them out. Dispositionally, the following are their exposure by our Lord Jesus. 1] They sit in Moses seat (Matthew 23:2). This means there are not far- fetched and are found as the leaders in the church, family alters; parading their position as christian leaders; position seekers (they want to be pastors, state overseers, bishops, etc) judging others for their wealth. Interestingly, Christ pointed out that we need to be meek, gentle and diligent to the praise and flatteries of men(Matt. 5:5; 11:29). 2] They render evil for evil. Their decision is conditioned on violence for violent. Taking laws into their hands and ever defencive about their religion, church, pastors, but their salvation theyve not defended. But the Bible commands us to forgive (Romans 12:17-21; Matthew 5:39,44). 3] They being unrighteous and perverts judgement (Luke 11:46). But as Christians, being merciful to people by delievering the just not to emburden, oppress or purnish anyone because of selfish wants, lust and bribery. Some so-called church leaders are not righteous in the counselling and dispensations to the governing council. This is applicable to them. 4] They believe in their zealous and committed to works for salvation. Are you that type that influence or driven that, if one is involved in missions work, evangelism, ushering, chior ministering or pastoring guarantees salvation. We are saved by faith in that Crusified Son of God and not by works. Some are diswayed that bounty offering, alms giving, building numerable less- privileged homes, visiting the sicks, etc., worths one salvation. But it does not, because all the works we do without sincere salvation by believing on the Lord by faith makes our works unprofittable, unrewardable and unrecognized to God. 5] So proud. Anything they do, they want to be recognised and appreciated otherwise, they are not happy with the leaders or boss at the office. So full of eye-service to be seen. If they dont dress with the latest dress code, they are not happy. If their names are not recognised as dutiful members, they are not happy- full of contending priorities (Job 41:12). For the contemporary believers, we should be of a unified and lowly minds, towards one another (Romans 12:16). 6] They are tempters and temptresses (Matthew 16:1; 19:3; 22:35; Luke 14:1-3). However, some christians behaviors are rather leading people to sin and fall into temptations. This could be with the advises, counsels they give to others; the clothes they wear that exposes the nakedness of ones body and its shapes; the ungraceful (no fruits of the Spirit) traits that weakens the heart of many; they produce things that lead people to sin- they dont do the sin but are the remote control or background leaders to sin against God (Romans 1:32). But we can avoid these by total repentance (Acts 3:19). 7] They are hardened in their heart. So many times, Christ confronts the hypocrites with the Word of God and affirms the purnishment for its negligence. He reminds them of the days of Noah, Lots wife, yet they will not turn from their ways. Today, the pastors have preached it. Youve read it. Youve been told from the time you were in children section of your church that without holiness, no one shall see God. Yet, you allow immorality, greed, anger, stubborn- will, procastination of Gods command, uncontrolled tongue, lust, etc.,(Hebrew 3:8-16; Deuteronomy 30:6) Avoid hypocrisy and go live for the the truth of your salvation. Prayer: The idea of my personality, Lord crush it with the power of the Cross. Santify me through Thy truth. In Jesus name. Amen Further Reading: Deuteronomy 30:6 Have victorious Thursday!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 03:14:55 +0000

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