Daily devotional: Friday, January 24-1 Samuel 3:19-21 “19 Thus - TopicsExpress


Daily devotional: Friday, January 24-1 Samuel 3:19-21 “19 Thus Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fail.” Eli is informed that judgment is coming, and this time at least, it cannot be stopped. God’s judgment cannot be avoided, but Eli can at least repent of his own sins of neglect. Instead, Eli speaks words that appear to be an evidence of his submission to the sovereign will of God, but which are really an expression of Eli’s willingness to continue on in his sin. What we read is not an expression of faith in God’s sovereignty, but an expression of fatalism couched in religious terms. In contrast, Samuel continues to listen and mature in the Lord and the Lord guided his steps. A true prophet speaks in a way that calls upon men to follow God, to obey Him. Furthermore, a true prophet is one whose words come to pass. Our author tells us literally that God let none of Samuel’s words “fall to the ground” (verse 19). Everything Samuel says will happen does happen. And every Israelite realizes that God’s hand is upon Samuel and that He speaks the Word of the LORD. From Dan, the northern-most part of the land, to Beersheba, the southern-most city, all Israel recognizes Samuel as a prophet of God. The silence is broken. Do people around you recognize you are a disciple of Christ? Is your life different? Pray for a close relationship with God, being obedient to follow His directives in your life so such an extent that others recognize you’re a child of God.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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