Daily devotional: I would like to title this AMAZING GRACE! john - TopicsExpress


Daily devotional: I would like to title this AMAZING GRACE! john chapter 13 records the events of Jesus final night before his death. Jesus, had his disciples make reservation for the upper room. This is were they would eat the Passover. John begins his narrative with a awesome revelation. John 13:3 Jesus knew that the father had given him authority over everything & that he had come from God & would return to God. Jesus knew who he was, what his purpose was, & were he was going. So Im tell this chapter from a different point of view. So listen & give attention. Jesus knew where he came from, God! He knew his calling, to establish a new covenant & new will & testament; so he knew he must die. It was his purpose! He knew where he was going! He was going back to the father. So as the disciples entered the upper room for the Passover, they all 12 may have had a question on their minds. It was custom for the servant of the house or the lowest person of the house to wash the feet of guests or master of the home before supper. As they entered the upper room & looked around, their was a basin, there was a pot of water, there was towels. But who would wash their feet? They all no doubt had this in their mind for as it was a custom & tradition of the Jews. Id say each one probably said within themselves who will wash our feet? Because Im not doing it. They probably all looked at each other saying Within their-self Im higher than you, Im not washing your feet. But JESUS, the man that come from God. The man who john stated in verse 3 knew his identity & his authority. The son of the living God. The one who knows all things. As the Jesus entered the upper room & their was a problem. In the upper room their was no servants to wash their feet. But Jesus stated to his disciples as they were all gathered at the table that was prepared? Who do you think prepared that table for there were not servants. Jesus was the one who prepared it. But there remained a problem who would wash their feet. So Jesus, arose from the table wrapped a towel around him, & poured water into a basin & took the basin over to peter & placed it by his feet. The man who always seemed to always have his self placed above all others. Peter the one who was always about, I, I, I. Jesus knew that before dawn that Peter would deny him 3 times cursing & swearing. But yet Jesus the son of God with all authority given to him would kneel down & wash his feet. So after Peter he moved on to the next one. Maybe it was Phillips turn, the one who questioned Jesus authority & commands. When Jesus commanded the disciples to feed the thousands, Phillip declared, this is impossible, we dont have enough money to buy all these food. So you think Jesus would bypass Phillip? Absolutely not! He kneeled down & washed his feet. So one by one he pushed the basin under each of his disciples feet & would wash off the filth, the grime, the grit. But would he wash the feet of judas iscariot? Jesus knew he was the betrayer! He knew before the night was over that judas would consult with the religious rulers of Jerusalem & lead the officers to location of Jesus for his arrest. Jesus knew judas would accept the offer of 30 pieces of silver in order to hand over Jesus into their hands. Would Jesus wash his feet? Surely he wouldnt! Would we? But Jesus pushed the basin to judass feet & filled the basin with a fresh water for to clean judas feet with clean water. One by one all if the disciples with all their faults, mistakes & failures Jesus would wash their feet. The man who knew where he came from, knew his identity, knew his authority. The job that was required by the lowliest servant to wash the feet of guests in the home Jesus took off his robe of royalty & placed a towel around him just as he was the lowest servant. Now consider all this! The man Jesus, humbled himself & became obedient & took upon himself the form of a servant. Remember john 13:3 & then imagine Jesus knowing all things still humbled himself & washed all his disciples feet. This is what I call AMAZING GRACE! father I pray that you will open the eyes of all the people to a greater revelation of the love of the messiah! Believe in the love God has for you! Believe in the love of Jesus! The God who helped shape & make us, the man who lived righteously all the days of his life. The innocent one, the man who knew where he was from. & knew his authority. & knew were he was going. Father help these words to give sinners the gift of faith so they can believe regardless of their sins, you love them & want so much to save them. Allow them to have a greater revelation of your grace & who Jesus really is. I ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 14:17:10 +0000

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