#DailyLines #MOBY #WRITTENInMYOwnHEARTSBlood #Book8 - TopicsExpress


#DailyLines #MOBY #WRITTENInMYOwnHEARTSBlood #Book8 #OutJUNE10th #NOItsNOTTheLastOne #thefinershadesofmurder “They did _what_?” “This gentleman”—Marsali tapped the letter—“says that Brant and his men fell upon a wee place called Andrustown. No but seven families living there.” Her lips pressed tight, and she glanced at Joanie, who was listening with her ears flapping. “They plundered and burnt the place, he says, and massa—er . . . did awa wi’ a number of the folk who lived there.” “What’s that word, Mam?” Joanie asked brightly. “The one that means ‘did awa’ with?” “‘Massacred,’” I told her, saving her mother the embarrassment. “It means indiscriminate and brutal slaughter. Here.” I handed her the fresh compress, which she applied without protest, frowning in thought. “Is that different than just killin’ someone?” “Well,” I said judiciously, “it depends. You might kill someone by accident, for instance, and that wouldn’t be a massacre, though it would certainly be lamentable. You might kill someone who was trying to kill _you_, and that would be self-defense.” “Rachel says ye oughtn’t do that,” Joanie observed, but merely for the sake of thoroughness. “What about if ye’re with an army and have to kill the soldiers on the other side?” Marsali made a low Scottish noise of disapproval but answered tersely. “If a man’s gone to the army, then killin’ is his job,” she said. “He does it—mostly—” she added fairly, with a raised brow to me, “to protect his ain family and property. So that’s more like self-defense, aye?” Joanie glanced from her mother to me, still frowning. “I ken what ‘bru-tal’ is,” she said. “That’s bein’ mean when ye havena got to. But what’s ‘in-dis-crim-in-ate’?” She sounded it out carefully, as though about to spell it. “Without choosing,” I said, lifting one shoulder in a shrug. “It means you do something without taking much notice who you do it to and probably without much reason to do it to that particular person.” “Did Cousin Ian’s Indian friend have nay reason for burning yon place and killing the folk, then?” Marsali and I exchanged a glance. “We dinna ken that,” Marsali said. “But it’s no a good thing, whatever he meant by it. Now, ye’re done. Go along and find Félicité and start in fillin’ up the washtub.” She took the compress from Joanie and shooed her out.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 10:10:39 +0000

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