#DailyLines #VIRGINS #novella #inanAnthology #DANGEROUSWomen - TopicsExpress


#DailyLines #VIRGINS #novella #inanAnthology #DANGEROUSWomen #OutDECEMBER3rd #butshippingalready ! “It was my fault,” Jamie said. “It—what I said before. About my…” He had to stop and swallow, but went on, hurrying to get the words out before they could bite him in a tender place. “I spoke chough to the commander. At the garrison, ken. He—well, it’s nay matter. It was what I said to him made him flog me again, and Da—he—he’d come. To Fort William, to try to get me released, but he couldn’t, and he—he was there, when they…did it.” Ian could tell from the thicker sound of his voice that Jamie was weeping again but trying not to, and he put a hand on the wean’s knee and gripped it, not too hard, just so as Jamie would ken he was there, listening. Jamie took a deep, deep breath and got the rest out. “It was…hard. I didna call out, or let them see I was scairt, but I couldna keep my feet. Halfway through it, I fell into the post, just—just hangin’ from the ropes, ken, wi’ the blood…runnin’ down my legs. They thought for a bit that I’d died—and Da must ha’ thought so, too. They told me he put his hand to his head just then, and made a wee noise and then…he fell down. An apoplexy, they said.” “Mary, Mother o’ God, have mercy on us,” Ian said. “He—died right there?” “I dinna ken was he dead when they picked him up or if he lived a bit after that.” Jamie’s voice was desolate. “I didna ken a thing about it; no one told me until days later, when Uncle Dougal got me away.” He coughed, and wiped the sleeve across his face again. “Ian…would ye let go my knee?” “No,” Ian said softly, though he did indeed take his hand away. Only so he could gather Jamie gently into his arms, though. “No. I willna let go, Jamie. Bide. Just…bide.” amazon/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_6?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=dangerous%20women&sprefix=Danger%2Caps%2C312
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 11:08:10 +0000

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