Dailyword & PRAYERS - TopicsExpress


Dailyword & PRAYERS DECEMBER 18,2014 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous. (I Jn. 3:12). We learn from this Text that there is no such thing as a middle ground between the Children of God and the children of the Devil. In other words, one cannot be a little of both. One is either—or! Abel was a Child of God. Cain was a child of the Devil. To “do Righteousness” is to act as Abel did. He humbled himself and accepted God’s way of Righteousness. To “commit sin” is to act as Cain did. His religious works were evil. Cain was, in fact, a very religious man, but not a righteous man. His worship would have secured the admiration of “modern thought,” but the Holy Spirit here says it was evil. He rejected the Divine Way of Righteousness, and thus showed that he was “out of” the Evil One. Popular modern Preachers teach that both religions are equally good; but God did not think so, for He accepted the one and rejected the other. He also states here that there is a Devil, that morally he has children, and that these children may be very religious. Satan actually has two ways of Salvation: one by Sacraments, and the other by ethics. Christ’s Atonement—possessing infinite moral value—condemns and destroys both these false ways of seeking acceptance with God. Christ is the measure of the Believer’s acceptance; therefore, that acceptance is perfect, full, and eternal. In that Righteousness, the Righteousness of Christ, which was gained at the Cross and is given freely to believing man, no one can find a flaw; it needs neither ecclesiastical ceremonies nor human merits to add to its perfection. The word “slew” in the Greek is “sphazo,” which means “to butcher by cutting the throat.” The inspired writer goes out of his way to use a specialized word to describe the murder of Abel by Cain. Cain slit his brother’s throat. God said to Cain, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries unto Me from the ground” (Gen. 4:10). The method Cain used to kill his brother was one in which much blood would be shed. The cutting of the jugular vein would fit that description. As is overly obvious, Cain was evil, which played out to what he did to his brother. In view of all of this, John said that we are not to “marvel, if the world hate you” (3:13). John’s readers were astounded at the fact that people of the world should hate them because they were Children of God. The hatred of the world toward the Child of God is, however, a fact. This will not change. And yet, at the same time, we must not do things that would give the world a legitimate reason to think ill of us. No matter what the world thinks, our business is to commend Jesus to it, and to win it to the Lord. Most of the hostility, however, will not come from the world, but rather from professing religion. I speak of that which calls itself “the Church.” Cain was very religious. He built an altar and offered sacrifice; however, it was not the type of sacrifice that God could accept, so Cain was rejected by the Lord. In this context, he murdered his brother. Such hostility from the religious counterpart began with Cain and has continued ever since. As proved by the saga of Cain and Abel, the greatest animosity is tendered by the Church, and the reason is the Cross. The reason always is the Cross! (Gal. 5:11). PRAYER REQUEST>>>KEEP>>>>>JEAN EWIG>>>IN PRAYER FOR HEALTH PRAYER REQUEST>>>KEEP>>>>>RON EWIG >>>IN PRAYER FOR SURGERY PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Tracy Mook Foreman >>>>feeling tired• Its been a very rough night, pain pain and more pain, headache and very little sleep PRAYER REQUEST>>>KEEP>>>>> Tina Heimbach>>>IN PRAYER FOR CANCER PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Irene Huddleston >>>Prayer Warriors >>>>I need your prayers in Michigan! There is a group called Satanic Temple and they are spreading their poison. Im not sure how world wide they are,but nothing is more powerful than God Almighty! Please pray with me for protection from our Lord Heavenly Father. Thank you this means a great deal to me. In Jesus Christ name we pray Amen. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Kenzie Stahl>>>>>>>>>God I am asking for a lot I know.. But I am asking for a physical mental and emotional healing. Please take away every ache and pain I have. And make me new on the inside and out. Amen PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Michael Capdevilla >>>>Pls once again kathy sullivan is having health issure she goes for nuclear pet test they found a nodule/tumor on her lung this is a very sensitive test and takes time to perform its set for tommorw at 1pm she has been having trouble breathing thank u and updae on my mom still coughing still dont want to eat much gave her ceral no fever but still having back pain ill get her something to eat this morn and pray for her to be more positive thank u all PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> FRanklin Holden>>>>>Hi, Friends. Please pray for Jackie as she is tired and not sleeping. I know full well what that is like and its very tough going. God bless you all. Please also keep Trish in your prayers as she lives in a region which gets many storms, tornados and so forth. God bless you all so much, and thank you. Good morning in Lord Jesus, Everyone!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 15:02:25 +0000

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