Dailyword & PRAYERS - TopicsExpress


Dailyword & PRAYERS NOVEMBER 25,2014 (Heb. 9:14).how much more shall the Blood of Christ, Who through the Eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God? There are some who claim that “The Eternal Spirit” here specified is not the Holy Spirit, but rather the personal Spirit of Christ. They conclude this because, as they say, there is no definite article, “the,” in front of “Spirit”; however, the definite article does precede “Eternal Spirit,” signifying the Holy Spirit. God the Father is referred to as “The Eternal God” (Deut. 33:27), and the Lord Jesus is also referred to as “The King Eternal” (I Tim. 1:17). We also have here “The Eternal Spirit,” so-called. The idea is this: The Holy Spirit superintended Christ in every facet of His Life and living. It was the Holy Spirit Who decreed the Conception (Mat. 1:20). The Holy Spirit also superintended His Birth (Lk. 2:26–27) and His Childhood (Lk. 2:40). At His Water Baptism, “the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily shape like a Dove upon Him” (Lk. 3:22). Just before beginning His public Ministry, the Scripture says that He “was led by the Spirit into the wilderness” (Lk. 4:1). At the beginning of His Ministry, and continuing throughout His Ministry, He said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me …” (Lk. 4:18). So now when it is time to die, the very purpose and reason for which He came, He would breathe out His Life only when “The Eternal Spirit” told Him to do so. He was guided, helped, strengthened, empowered, and led by the Holy Spirit in every facet of His Life and living, even at His Death. But it didn’t stop there: “The Spirit … raised up Jesus from the dead” (Rom. 8:11). Moreover, concerning His Disciples and all His followers, and for all time, just before He ascended back to Heaven, “being assembled together with them, Commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the Promise of the Father … For John truly baptized with water; but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days hence” (Acts 1:4–5). The Lord is telling them, and us, that since the Cross, which has made it all possible, the Holy Spirit can abide in the hearts and lives of all Believers, and will, in fact, do so, exactly as He abode in the heart and life of Jesus in His earthly Ministry. What a privilege! Exactly as He promised, He sent the Holy Spirit back, and did so in a completely new dimension. It is recorded in the Second Chapter of Acts. If there is any great mistake the Church makes, it is undervaluing the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, the Church is no more than any other earthly club or gathering. But with the Holy Spirit, the Church becomes a living dynamo. There is nothing more dangerous than a Church which can function without the Holy Spirit. While there might be great religious activity, there is nothing truly done for the Lord. Sadly, that’s the state of the far greater majority of the modern Church. If Jesus needed the Holy Spirit, and the evidence is overwhelming that He did, then we, most definitely, also need the Holy Spirit! PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Tara Mong Brubaker feeling emotional with Steven Brubaker and Sonja King Weaver at Evangelical Community Hospital Please we need your prayers my friends, our baby boy was admitted to the hospital tonight due to breathing complications. will keep everybody updated. momma loves you Whyatt Soooo much! PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Linda Leonard>>>Please pray for my brother who has a kidney stone and it has been over a week and not passed it .Please pray it would be soon and that it wouldnt hurt ! Anything is possible with Jesus PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Marie Revis>>>Family and prayer warriors please pray for my cousin Tia she been through so much. Love you cuz, praying for God to comfort you and heal you. I just heard about the fire and I know your in a storm but God is still in control. So everyone pray and ask God to break every chain . God bless her with a place to live once again . God thank you keeping then safe in Jesus Name. AMEN. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Stephanie Weller>>>>>>>>>I really need some prayers Im going through a very hard time right now its personal just need some prayers that I can work through this difficult time in my life right now thanks PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Mary Lancaster >>>I pray that we the people are not shallow enough to think these rioters are doing this because they actually care about the Brown family or that they are concerned of who was right or wrong. They seized this as an opportunity to Rob a town and its people and they are doing it in the Name of defending and trying to change others, Please People Do you see how any of this outrage is in any way consoling the family or making a change in anything.?????????? Please stop being sucked in by these lies!!!You are all smarter than that!!! PRAYER REQUEST>>>KEEP>>>>>SUSAN MILLER INPRAYER >>>THAT SHE GETS A GOOD REPORT FROM THE DOCTOR PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Sylvia Brown >>>>Please pray for this little angel, about 2 months premature...Thanks! Her name is Gianna. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Marie Revis…..The fire in Carnegie was my cousins house. She is staying at hotel right now. She lost everything from what I heard so please keep her in prayer. Tia you are strong woman, only God and you know what you are going through. My cousin is fighting cancer and the fire did not help . It started at her neighbors house. I thank God everyone got out . So as you can see this prayer request comes from my heart . I was talking to my cousin Brenda in California and together we will be praying for her little sister Tia. God bless PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Baby Eli. He is the son of two of my former students. They have three very healthy girls, but when their only boy was born, he came home from the hospital and was fine. Now he has a condition that is unknown to the medical field so he is under constant camera to be watched. He stops breathing.Please pray for Baby Eli and his parents. Also pray for the medical staff who is caring for him so they may be able to help this young soldier so that he may over come what is stopping him from breathing.Lets grab each others virtual hands and prayer in unity for this sweet baby boy and his family. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Elizabeth Darnell Peters>>>>>>>..Please Pray for my nephew AJ Sanders. Two yrs ago he broke his neck in a swimming pool. He was only 20 yrs old. He is quadriplegic and filled with rage. Last night, AJ went into kidney failure and he is homeless. I want to take care of him, but I just found out that I have Lupus and I have liver cancer.(and possibly leukemia). Please let Jesus hear your voices for this child. Thank you so very much. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Columbus, USA-OH…Terry: Brain Injury…….Pray for my brothers faith and healing for a brain injury. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Kathy Postel ………PLEASEEEEE PRAY!!!!! I LOST MY ID AND D-E-SPERATELY N-E-E-D IT please! Blessings & from Kathy
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:14:17 +0000

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