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Dailyword & PRAYERS DECEMBER 26,2014 To him who overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My Throne, even as I also overcame, and am sat down with My Father in His Throne (Rev. 3:21). In each one of the seven Messages of Christ to the seven Churches of Asia, the demand to be an overcomer is given and the reward is specified (2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21). Considering that this admonition is given seven times, it should be obvious that the Lord demands that the Believer be an overcomer. So, the great question is, “How does a person come to the place that the Lord would say that he or she is an overcomer?” Another question looms, “What does it mean to be an overcomer?” First of all, the Believer must understand that, within himself, he cannot hope to arrive at this place and position which the Lord demands. Such is absolutely beyond the reach of any person, no matter who he might be, and we speak of the effort being made by the individual himself or herself. Regrettably, there are quite a few people who actually think they can do such, and who would conclude themselves to be overcomers, even though their effort is totally unbiblical. While they might refer to themselves as overcomers, the Lord, Whose decision Alone matters, doesn’t say so. The Lord will declare a person to be an overcomer only on one premise. For a Believer to attempt to be an overcomer by his own means, he must resort to Law, because that’s the only place to go. He may not look at it as Law, and he may not think of it as Law, but, if it’s not Grace, it’s Law. Concerning this, Paul said: “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the Law (who seek to be justified by the Law); you are fallen from Grace” (Gal. 5:4). So, as should be obvious, there is no hope for the Believer down that path. The only way that one can be an overcomer is God’s Way, which is according to the following: The Believer must place his Faith solely and completely in Christ and the Cross; he must get his eyes off himself and completely on Christ and what Jesus did for us in the Atonement, which will then give the Holy Spirit latitude to work in such a life. That person is then an overcomer, and so judged by the Lord (Rom. 6:1–14; 8:1–2, 11; I Cor. 1:17–18, 23; 2:2; Gal. 6:14). Most all Believers look to themselves in trying to ascertain whether they are an overcomer or not. To be sure, when one looks at oneself, one will find flaws aplenty. So one must discontinue looking at oneself, and look exclusively to Christ and the Cross. This definitely does not mean that we ignore the flaws and faults in our person. Not at all! But it does mean that we’ll never get victory over these flaws and faults by our own machinations, even as religious as those machinations might be. The victory comes by faith, but it comes only by Faith anchored squarely in Christ and the Cross. If anything else is made the object of faith, that’s when the victory stops, and stops instantly! The Holy Spirit will work in our hearts and lives, Who Alone can bring about these things, strictly on the basis of the Finished Work of Christ (Rom. 8:2). In other words, the Cross of Christ is what gives the Holy Spirit the legal right to do what He does. Therefore, to be an overcomer, one has to place his faith solely in Christ and the Cross. When one does this, one is instantly judged by the Lord as an “overcomer.” This is not something that one works toward, or gradually comes into, but is a place and position we have solely in Christ. He Alone is the Source, and the Cross is the means. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Jessica Woolsey Robbins>>>>>>>>>Please continue prayers for Curtis, It was Septic shock that had him unresponsive to where I had to use the Ambu bag on him to shove air into him til the ambulance came for him. He is admitted in the ICU and they are still fighting to get his blood pressure stable even after doing a surgery procedure to put a central line into his heart to pump meds.It is so very hard to see him go through this and the boys were also very upset seeing him unresponsive like that, especially Landon. Landon carried his guitar to the hospital and played for his dad in the emergency room. We appreciate you all for the prayers PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Wanda Stamm….Earlier today my Mom got her wish. It was a very simple one to be with her boys. Her brothers my Dad and John. Now she can watch over us all. Love you Mom>>>NEED PRAYERS FOR COMFORT PRAYER REQUEST>>>KEEP>>>>> James Fritchman Jr>>>IN PRAYER AS HE GOES FOR SURGERY TODAY> PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Father of girl hit by firebomb: My wife was saved last month, we were hit today.Avner Shapira describes incident in which his daughter Ayala was seriously wounded from hospital bed; doctors work to save his daughters life. Doctors continued to fight for the life of 11-year-old Ayala Shapira Thursday evening, after she was seriously wounded after a Molotov cocktail was hurled at the car in which she and her father were traveling in near the settlement of El Matan in the West Bank. The attack came a month after the girls mother was targeted in a similar attack, but managed to escape unscathed. Describing the attack, the young girls father, Avner, said from his hospital bed: We saw him from the top of the road, lighting the firebomb and hurling it. The father described how his daughter escaped the vehicle by herself, but was severely wounded nonetheless: I shouted to my daughter to get out and she was able to do so. We were able by the grace of God to get out of the car, but she was much more seriously wounded than I was. We hope that the hospital staff will be able to return her to her previous state. At around 6:30 pm IDF forces, MDA paramedics, firefighters and the police received a call about a burning car, which the report said was hit by a Molotov cocktail thrown by Palestinians. The young girl, who suffers from third degree burns to 30 to 40% of her body, mostly to her face and upper torso, was evacuated to the hospital along with her father, who suffered burns to his limbs.Avner said that the two were on their way home, and had been travelling on the road that connects Maale Shomron with the settlement of El-Matan, where they live. He noted that his wife underwent a similar attack on the same road last month when a Molotov cocktail was hurled at her vehicle. Fortunately, she was not wounded, but damage was caused to her car.The young girls mother, Ruth, said: Ayala is a very special girl. She is an exceptionally smart child, who was on her way home from a program for youth gifted in mathematics at the Bar-Ilan University. They were hit by a Molotov cocktail at a spot where they already threw firebombs at us in the past – that time it was at me, and the only damage was to the car – this time the vehicle was burned to the ground. The mother said that she had been able to speak with her daughter after the attack, and that she had told her details of the incident: The Molotov cocktail fell directly on her and caught fire. She managed to free herself from the car and roll to the floor. If she wasnt such a resourceful girl, we wouldnt have been able to have that conversation.She further added: My husband called and said: Call the security center, they threw a Molotov cocktail at us and its not like last time. I did not know at first that they were wounded, but only that the vehicle was burned.Yossi Dagan, the acting head of the Samaria Regional Council, said: This reality in which residents who travel in the center of the country can die from a Molotov cocktail is intolerable. The young girls grandfather, Michael Bronstein, said: The officer told us that our granddaughter rolled on the ground to put out the fire, and she acted correctly. Since the car was completely burnt, they had no way to call for help, and they walked home to call an ambulance.The grandfather added: We are not afraid to drive on these roads. A month ago, the exact same thing happened to my daughter in the same area and the army did not do anything. I am angry at those who do not understand that this is a war and treat such events as if they were criminal activities. Sara Eliash, the fathers aunt, said that stiffer measures were needed to bring an end to such attacks: Its inconceivable that on our way home we have to worry and try to determine which route is safer. This situation is absurd and the defense minister must instruct the IDF to calm the area and create a sense of security for those who travel the roads of Judea and Samaria.Professor Eyal Winkler, Director of the Plastic Surgery Department at the Sheba Medical Center, said that the medical staff had immediately carried out resuscitation procedures. There is danger to her life, and teams of plastic surgeons and pediatric intensive care physicians are continuing to treat her. We will make every effort to safely return her in good condition to her family, Winkler said Massive IDF forces arrived at the area shortly after the paramedics and begun searching for the perpetrators in the area between Maale Shomron and the Palestinian town of Qalqilya.Head of the regional firefighters services, Yossi Dahri, told Ynet that we arrived as quickly as we could and saw the burning car. We evacuated the girl, who had massive burns, as fast as we could.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 13:51:29 +0000

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