Dakota Smith , What I’m about to say is not to tickle ears or - TopicsExpress


Dakota Smith , What I’m about to say is not to tickle ears or just at random. It’s all the absolute truth!! Now most of you who know Cody well will most likely not believe some of what I say at first! But He actually started out the shyest, most quiet, bashful little butterball ever! He wouldn’t talk, walk, or play if there was anyone other than me around. Until around the age of 2-3 years old he was So SHY that I had to tell everyone we came into contact with not to look at him or he’d cry, scream, bury his head & cling to my hip for an hour. I have a video of his 1st birthday, where he’s in a high chair with a cake in front of him. He was eyeballing everyone to make sure no one was looking at him. The family had to sing happy birthday while looking at the ceiling or the floor to keep him from freaking out. Unfortunately, he seen his Aunt Susan Jarvis look at him from the corner of her eye & he lost it. Arms up to me immediately while kicking! Soon that all changed. Around the age of 3 - 4 he began jumping off of top bunks & roofs (that he’d chiseled shingles off of), talking non stop, & telling GROWN women they were “looking good” as they walked by. He liked to take things apart, draw on houses & cars, & put holes in the wall for fun. Even though he was ornery as ever & the constant injuries that we called “battle wounds” were as numerous as the expenses were from damages he’d caused, we couldn’t help laughing with our hands over our face. He was truly the cutest & most hyperactive boy EVER! With round Chubby cheeks & the biggest brown eyes you ever seen, it was hard to stay mad at him. Time went on & he learned very quick how to make lots of friends but never could grasp the concept of what school was for. For the longest time he thought it was a place to make fun of the teacher & hang out with friends. Needless to say, he remained grounded most of his life, until his 4th grade teacher came up with a brilliant plan. The last semester of the year she pulled his desk up to the front of the class right up against hers directly face to face with her. The last day of school as we were driving & talking he suddenly shouted “MOM!!! I made honor roll!” The teacher had called out the names of all who had made the list, and saved his name for last. When she called out “ Our last & most improved Honor Role student, Dakota Smith!” The whole class jumped out of their seats and started cheering & charging him. Needless to say that after 10 years, he was finally ungrounded. Another reason no one can stay mad is because all along the way he had the most compassionate heart of any male I had known. Always willing to lend a hand to anyone and defend his loved ones to the end. He can be your best friend or your very worst enemy when it comes to his family and close friends Here we are today & all I can say is that it just keeps getting better. Every single day of my life he makes me smile or laugh, and every single day of my life he intentionally makes me so mad I could scream. (because he thinks it’s hysterical to do that to people) My life is entertaining, blessed, and filled with so much emotion that words just cannot describe. The day Dakota was born was the beginning of a wonderful journey that has given me several mini heart attacks, but smiles until my cheeks hurt so bad I had to ice them, and laughs that were so hard I thought my lungs were about to collapse. . . I know it sounds like this kid is not good for my health, but in reality he’s the best thing I could ever have for my spirit. I love you more than you could ever comprehend, son. And I want to thank you for the best 16 years of my entire life. You and your siblings are 4 of the parts to my very being that complete me in every way. Thank you for being who you are because I adore every bit of it. You make life worth living, fun, and entertaining. 16 years ago yesterday, the biggest & best surprise I was ever given was born. Thanks be to God!!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 17:05:07 +0000

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