Dale Campos is a young man who participated in the 2012 AHCF - TopicsExpress


Dale Campos is a young man who participated in the 2012 AHCF Family meeting in San Francisco, fielding parents questions and describing what it’s like to have AHC. Now he has realized a dream of publishing a kid’s story called Diggers Adventures; Friends Dale Campos is a young man who participated in the 2012 Family Meeting in San Francisco, fielding parents questions and describing what it’s like to have AHC. Dale graduated in 1997 from Sonora High School in California and currently works as a Teachers Aide and a School Yard Duty Supervisor. “This school year is my 12th plus year. It is so fun teaching students!” Now he has realized a dream of publishing a kid’s story called Diggers Adventures: Friends. This is his story of how the book came to be: “I have accomplished a lot in my life but being an author has surpassed all of my other accomplishments…accept maybe walking. It gives me a sense of pride to see my name on my book. Although the self – publishing process has been a struggle, the outcome has been well worth it. I have a supportive team around me that helps me through the ups and downs.” “My inspiration came from a dog named Digger that I had as a little boy.Digger he was a mixed breed, he was always a good companion through my highs and lows. When I was a young boy, at times I felt weak around my families property, Digger would scratch on the nearest door to get help.” “Although Digger was not a large dog he used his bark to make himself seem big to protect my family. Digger gave me the security to walk places I would not have if he was not with me. By writing this book I am honoring Diggers memory, and the love he had for his family and friends.” “Over all people are very excited and enthusiastic about my book as well as future books I am working on. There will be a series of Digger books. I will be working on another children’s book of a different topic. This will be an ongoing adventure. I also have plans to write my autobiography.” “I am very delighted to be an inspiration to the younger generation that are impacted by AHC and their parents but I realize that is comes with a big responsibility.” Here is the link to the web site to buy Diggers Adventures Friends. https://createspace/4310186 “I have very big news! My very first book signing is going to be at Schnoogs Café schnoogscafe on September 28th and the time block will be at 1-3pm.” Dale has also started a scholarship fund in honor of his father called the Danny Campos Scholarship fund. Dale has also started a scholarship fund in honor of his father called the “Danny Campos Scholarship fund”. The Scholarship was established in 2005 and has enabled needy children to attend Todd Schroeder Concerts for the past four years. It is made up of voluntary contributions by local school districts, businesses, and individuals, to provide children with the experience of live musical performances to heighten their sense of their own value. “I have seen how exposure to the “arts” can create beneficial and empowering recognition of self-worth.” For more information or to make a donation contact Dale at k.dalecampos.author@gmail Dale wishes to say Thank You to everyone for all your support!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 12:33:25 +0000

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