Damansara Kuala Lumpur Desa Kiara Condominium In Block C , D , E - TopicsExpress


Damansara Kuala Lumpur Desa Kiara Condominium In Block C , D , E & F, 8 units 2floor Penthouse with-out any Certificate of Fitness 公寓C座、D座、E座及F座的阁楼单位,未获得入伙纸 21 units Commercial Shop with-out any Certificate of Fitness & consent letter from JBA. 21间商店被指为违例建筑,市政局也已发出拆迁通知书 (志期2010-03-09) Because the Developer had NOT constructed in accordance with the original D.O.; therefore, DBKL did NOT issue the permanent Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (C.F.O.) for the Project. A few temporary C.F.O.s were initially issued; before the final C.F.O.s were eventually issued through the efforts of Mr. Lee Siew Kong.Refer: Temporary Certificates for Occupation dated 13th January 1997, 16th February 1996, 10th July 1995 and 12th December 1994. Lampiran A thereto, item No.1 which all talks about the plans not being approved and needs to be submitted and/or obtained approval from “Bahagian Kawalan Bangunan”. 2000年时DBKL/PTG内部同意的BUILDING,DRAINAGE,SANITATION & STREET BY-LAWS,1973的临时入伙纸或是。。。个别建筑物未曾分割的大图Approved Strata Plan)就强迫那未依据法令收取管理费  譬如收了管理费必须依据法令只许用在共管的产业上、  如未有任何双方同意的合约、又未有任何批准的图册证据注明,那些地点才是属于共管的产业呢?  由于一般的管理层,根本就没有分层的总地契图册或说(共管的产业图包括分层地契的大图Approved Strata Plan)而且法令又已有清楚注明必须获得土地局批准(Approved By The Director Of Mine)才符合法令的条件那才不被某些居心不良的管理层勾结某些不依法执法的官员。。。黑箱作业的管理层从账目上作动手脚以逃避法令的漏洞、  管理层私以非法执行断水不还管理费的住户水供或不批居民证给业主的强迫收取不合理的管理费。。。,  譬如(FEDERAL TERRITORY (PLANNING) ACT,1982 如果(Development Order)发展项目内有哪些单层或没有双层式的阁楼(Penthouse)又或没有商业店(Commercial Shop)又是没有有得到各相关当局批准而拥有CFO入伙纸(With-out any Certificate of Fitness.)以及是否有安装个别的用水,水表呢?  Desa Kiara 公寓的管理层为了私利霸道敲诈业主的管理费私自免费享用原本属于共管产业又是否合法呢? 在发展项目内(Approved Development Order)管理层不提供证明公寓大楼或组屋的共管产业所有的位置对部分的业主公平吗?  欲知相关资讯作为私人参考~欢迎你登录我的另一f/b户口lee.siewkong@yahoo群组找分层地契的问题。。。或lisiewkong@gmail找群组Desa Kiara Condo’s Problum或desakiara-stratatitle.blogspot/ Desa Kiara Strata Title 联络本人手机号码0172812677. Desa Kiara Strata Title desakiara-stratatitle.blogspot.au 譬如:星洲日报,國內2012-10-24 09:31(檳城23日訊)律師李凱。。。認為這將影響未來涉及高樓。。。停車位未列產業面積引爭議的訴訟,他希望房地部臨崖勒馬,考慮細節。  李凱從各宗涉及高樓管理的訴訟案中發現,一些發展商在建設。。。後,並控制停車場,因為停車場是一座。。。的命脈。這種事多出現在2007年共管機構663JMB法令通過之前,當時的管理權在居民协会或發展商手上;之後,業主成立共管機構(JMB)取回管理權,因此揭開很多弊端。 在分層地契建築物中,管理費數額依據產業單位面積計算(Share Unit),面積越大的單位需付更多的管理費。不過,停車位屬於“附屬單位”(Accessories Parcel),而在1985年分層地契法令中闡明,“附屬單位”並沒在面積計算範圍內。  李凱說,若一個人購買了500平方尺的商店,名下卻擁有700個停車位,對方只需給500平方尺單位的管理費,700個停車位的管理費就不需給?  拒付管理費引發訴訟案他透露,法庭上就有類似的訴訟案在進行,共管機構成立後向停車場擁有人追討停車位管理費,但停車場擁有人不付,案件因此被帶上法庭。  2012年10月24日,星洲日报报道:李凱”他說;停車位未列產業面積引爭議.將被通過的分層管理法案允許管理委員會(MC)成立“附屬性管理委員會”,但沒提到“附屬性共管機構”。他說,雖然以後的業主在入屋同時就可拿到分層地契並成立管理委員會,不再需要成立共管機構,但在這過渡期(他預測為10年),共管機構還是會存在。。。 请问市政局的DBKL: BUILDING,DRAINAGE,SANITATION & STREET BY-LAWS,1973.增建的建筑物(with-out prove of consent letter )旧法令发出临时入伙纸前或是说在2004年前,特许水供公司供水给那些JMB未拥有经土地局批准的((分层地契的大图Approved Strata Plan) 有得到旧有水务局(consent letter from JBA)批准的公函证据吗?  市政局未依据法令发出在该项批准过的发展蓝图建筑物完整的入伙纸对水用户被本来就不合格的产业经理(property Manager or registered estate agent)JMB来管共管的理产业对购屋者...公平吗?  据悉未拥有(分层地契的大图Approved Strata Plan)的共管产业法令663 (Building And Common Property (Maintenance And Management ACT 663)公寓或组屋的JMB某些的管理层根本成立三个月或六个月後的。。。就已未依据达到法令的条件 For until today, the Project is plagued with numerous difficulties & problems:(1) the Strata Titles Plans are still NOT issued;(see letter from land & mines dated 2012-06-22 )(2) the Approved Building Plans does NOT match with the Development Order;(3) the Constructed Building does NOT match with the approved Building Plans,NOR the Development Order;(4) the As-Built Plans does NOT match with approved Building Plans;NOR the Development Order;(5) the Certificate of Fitness for Occupation("CFO")does NOT match the Constructed Building/As-Build Plans;& is contrary to the Development Order & the Approved Building Plans;(6) the Pent House Units for Desa Kiara Condo.in Block C,D,E,F.does NOT seem to have any CFO;(7) the 21 Commercial Shop Units appears to be illegal structures & a Demolition Notice has been issued by DBKL.Bil.(29)dated 2010--03-09. Casa Damansara / Desa Kiara Condominium至今,该计划依然面对许多问题而深受困扰:(1) 仍然未有分层地契(参阅土地局志期2012-06-22的信件)(2) 经批准的建筑图测不符合发展准证(3) 建筑结构不符合经批准的建筑图测及发展准证(4) 竣工图测不符合经批准的建筑图测及发展准证(5) 入伙纸不符合建筑结构/竣工图测,且违反发展准证及经批准的建筑图测(6) Desa Kiara Condominium In Block C , D , E & F, 8 units 2floor Penthouse with-out any Certificate of Fitness 公寓C座、D座、E座及F座的阁楼单位,未获得入伙纸 (7) 21 units Commercial Shop with-out any Certificate of Fitness & consent letter from JBA. 21间商店被指为违例建筑,市政局也已发出拆迁通知书 (志期2010-03-09) 照片中的是吉隆坡 Damansara DESA KIARA CONDOMINIUM 公寓单位窗外的情况。 如果管理层再不处理只好将相关人士统统告上法庭咯! 图 (1) 吉隆坡 Damansara DESA KIARA CONDOMINIUM - JOINT MANAGEMENT (JMB)的公寓。 图 (2) 吉隆坡Damansara DESA KIARA CONDOMINIUM - JOINT MANAGEMENT 的公寓JMB管理层不拿出证据如下: CONDITION FOR THE SUPPLY OF WATER agreement proof of acknowledge that as the Water Authority only issues one combined bill to Developer. (二)DEED OF MUTUALLY AGREEMENT to the term and conditions ... (三)12 units of 2 floor Penthouse, and 21 units of illgal commercial shop unit with - out C. F. O.入伙纸。 (四)Due to the above 12units 2 floor penthouse and 21 unit of illgal shop unit with - out C. F O. and approved Development Order for the above... (五)莫名其妙的RM365.81 monthiy interest on late payment for ... ???又再收到一张莫名其妙的RM384.69monthiy interest on late payment for ... ??? 图 (3) CONDITION FOR THE SUPPLY OF WATER(For until today, the Project is plagued with-out "Approved" Drawing/Plans, i.e.,the drawing/plans approved for construction, including the Schematic Drawings of the Water Supply for Plumbing & Sewage under Phase Development showing the individual Bulk Meter for each Phase & individual water meter to all units) agreement proof of acknowledge that as the Water Authority only issues one combined bill to Developer. — Kuala Lumpur 。 Desa Kiara Strata Title desakiara-stratatitle.blogspot
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 21:57:07 +0000

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