Damn near had a car accident today due to some major league IDIOT - TopicsExpress


Damn near had a car accident today due to some major league IDIOT who ran a red light. This is what prevented the accident: Whenever I am at a traffic light, when it turns green, I dont immediately shoot out into the intersection. Instead, I give it a wait for a second or two before I move forward. Theres always some moron who when the light turns yellow, speeds it up to try to beat the red light. Many of the times not making it. So now that hes going too fast, he wont be able to stop for the red light, so he goes through the red light. Its either that, or slam on the brakes and skid through the red light anyways. So, the light turns green for me. My car is pointed north, and I want to make a left turn. There arent any cars that I could see in either direction. My line of sight to my left is limited due to some trees and bushes. It looks like its safe to proceed, but something inside me says "wait". So I wait for a couple of seconds. Then I take my foot off the brake and gently press on the accelerator. My car moves forward when at a really fast rate of speed, going from west to east is a small honda car. It blows through the red light and I slam on my brakes, narrowly missing hitting it in the side within inches. If I hadnt delayed myself going through that green light for those two seconds, either he would have t-boned me or I would have t-boned him. In either case, his car would have gotten the worst of it as his car was a small honda and my car is a GMC suv. And on top of that I would have sued him (or his estate if he died) for everything he had. Remember, when waiting for a light to turn green. Dont be so hasty to accelerate the very second the light turns green. If you can, give it a second or two or even three before moving forward.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 01:00:56 +0000

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