Damon Cleghorn I FOUND IT!! Whew I knew that other one wasnt the - TopicsExpress


Damon Cleghorn I FOUND IT!! Whew I knew that other one wasnt the one I was looking for!!! But God gave me another line to work with and that time I found it! :) so anyways id like to share a story about this song! The last day I went and picked my son up from his birth mom it was storming SOO hard the wind was blowing and I dont drive as it is so it took everything I had in me to drive 45 minutes to where she lived to go get him. I couldnt see 5 ft in front of my car it was raining so hard and the wind was strong and I was questioning if I was doing the right thing by going to get him all together because we had already talked to an attorney at this point and had decided if she called us to get him again we were going to petition for guardianship. (Long story short) so I doubted if I was doing the right thing. I could hear the voices of everyone in my head telling me what they thought about the situation and how they though it would end badly. I prayed God just tell me if Im doing the right thing! God if this is what Im supposed to do please calm this storm because Im a nervous wreck driving in it and I cant see anything in front of me. I was scared and alone and several times considered turning around and going home. I said God just speak to me please! Let me know its you without a doubt. And at that time I turned up the radio to drown out the beating of the rain and windshield wipers on full blast. This song had just come on the radio. As I listened to the lyrics I felt an immediate sense of calmness come over me with tears streaming down my face. I had never heard this song before and if I had I didnt pay attention. I decided to let go of the situation an let God lead me and provide for this baby that I was totally unprepared for. I didnt even own baby boy clothes or anything for a boy. As soon as the song was over the rain started to ease up. The more I reflected over the song the more the clouds faded away and broke into blue skies. By the time that I arrived in malvern the sky was the most beautiful shade of blue I had ever seen. I knew without a doubt that this little newborn baby boy was to be with my family. Our adoption was final April 29, 2014 just shortly before his second birthday. I am reminded today that God doesnt always show us the beauty of his plan before we have to ride out the storm! And Sometimes we just have to keep pressing in taking each thunderous blow by blow before we get to see the storms for what they really are. Only a test! Because you cant has a testimony without a TEST! Had I turned around that day too afraid of facing the storm, theres a good chance I would not have my son today. I know God has great plans for him and my family. I just gotta keep riding the storms out and stop retreating when I cant even see anything ahead of me! I hope in someway this song or my story will bless someone. I just felt compelled to share this tonight as I sit here in tears in remembrance that I must give it ALL TO GOD because right now I cant even see the blue skies from all the dark storm at the moment. But with my faith I know just on the other side of those dark gray clouds lies the most beautiful skies Ive ever seen! Be blessed and enjoy this song! From my heart to yours. youtu.be/wtSKzHxVqxQ
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 05:22:22 +0000

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