Dan Gray Last Chances Many times has liberty been - TopicsExpress


Dan Gray Last Chances Many times has liberty been extinguished on this Earth. In light of human history, it is to be expected that tyranny shall rule. Few indeed are examples of freedom that prevails, and for how long? We recall these rare, brave moments with wonder, and wonder if we too have what it takes to make the sacrifices necessary to defeat evil. We marvel at the deeds of Marathon and Thermopylae, mourn Masada and the Warsaw Ghetto. We shiver at the devotion of Valley Forge, thrill to the audacity of Trenton. Surely heroes like these have passed from the land. We seem mere remnants of an Age gone by. We squander our heritage for a mess of pottage, a handful of magic beans, false hopes and empty promises. But freedom always bursts forth once more from deep within hidden hearts. Like buds blossoming after hard winter, the human urge to breathe free cannot be quashed. In every corner, the dim light of freedoms fluttering flame gutters and sputters for breath. The fuel is all around, but we struggle for air. Every heart holds that spark, ready to ignite a grassfire and burn away the rotted beams of bureaucracy that threatens to collapse and bury us all. Every individual effort has merit; every fight worth fighting; every act of courage a beacon. Any honorable assault may find a way to pierce the armor of evil. We must not slack or cower, but should instead double and redouble our dedication and work. There are many who wake and rise to face the challenge. Individually, we are legion. In small but potent groups, we rail and rally against the woes that wear us down. All across America, we band together in righteous effort to fight injustices, and win some small successes. But the tide of darkness rises. All our efforts are battered and buffeted like sailors lost at sea, clutching at straws to stay afloat, while the gathering storm looms ever closer on the horizon. Evil can be wise, and knows that it is easy for determined and disciplined minions to defeat us in detail. Our division is their strength. They revel at our confusion, rejoice at our contentiousness. Yes, there are paid provocateurs and program prevaricators who provoke us to internecine strife. But were doing a fine job of self-destruction without their help. We carp and snark at every effort to save America. We succumb to jealousy and fear. What is it you expect? What will satisfy? Shall we wait idly for heroes in their millions, and stay snug in our homes, waiting for that knock on the door? Will you hate your brother and sister for daring to raise the bold flag of rebellion against dark forces? Do you imagine that there is any easy way? Faith. Think about that word. Do you have faith in the People? In Liberty? In your own power to resist evil and do good? Or do you believe doom inevitable, think yourself safe because you do not act? Think. Search your heart for answer. Ask if any neck will be spared from the boot of masters? Your own quiet reluctance or passionate refusal to cooperate with those who fight common foes is a gift to delight the Devil. Operation American Spring in Washington, DC is the fight that unites us all. Do not ignore OAS. Do not denigrate the awesome commitment of the few brave souls who gain a toehold on the beach and hold the foxhole, waiting for reinforcements to arrive. Be those reinforcements! JOIN US!
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 01:23:33 +0000

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