Dance Xperience Festival presents: THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE Tree of - TopicsExpress


Dance Xperience Festival presents: THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE Tree of knowledge area is waiting for all of you at the D.X.F. 2013! Our team would like to stimulate and help everyone improve their life and planet conditions through a mind awakening experience. Everyday, from morning till night, some really interesting activities & lots of workshops will take place at the tree of knowledge area. The group of Artistic Interaction & Cultural Action artists, called Psychedelic Reflection brings a unique interactive experience in D.X.F. called ‘The Games Of the World’. ‘Games Of the World’ are interactive activities which come from the French organization of ‘Kaloumba. ( Kaloumba is a nonprofit organization, created in 2002, upon the initiative of people with a passion for games and meetings among people in a process of creativity, solidarity and cultural exchange. The aim of the association is to: !develop the game as a cultural, social and educational tool !discover the games of the world, to construct them and play them with as many people as possible. During a visit of our team in the city of Sitia (Crete Island - Hellas), kaloumba team showed us the games and the way of their construction. Through the games, we also experienced the possibilities of interaction. It is a very nice process that includes lots of interesting and mysterious elements, which we like a lot. Thus, our team decided to bring this knowledge/interaction to Dance Experience Festival 2013. We strongly believe that it is a really creative action, which is easy in its implementation and at the same time is enjoyable and educational. The ‘Games of the World’ is a fantastic workshop! We explore the history of the games and as we are going back in time, we are digging out ancient mysteries, battles and different cultures. We manufacture and create the games out of recycled pieces of wood and other materials and we also learn how to play and cooperate all together. he variety of games with the participation of people from all around the globe offers a reflection of the wonderful creativity of people and cultures. The games could be portable, so at the end of the orkshop everybody can take one or more away with them. We are waiting all of you at Dance Experience Festival to enjoy and be creative! Come with your children and lets be creative all together! Lets Create, lets Feel, lets Dance!!! Psychedelic Reflection - Group of Artistic Interaction & Cultural Action (https://facebook/PsychedelicReflectionTeam) D.X.F. Life Bombs Laboratory The purpose behind this workshop is to introduce you into the mysteries of natural farming and seed balls philosophy. Seed Balls is a great permaculture technique for growing seeds with a simple and effective way. In D.X.F Life Bombs workshop, we apply a special technique to create flower seed balls. A technique which could be really challenging! As everyday life can be really hectic, we would like to make it a bit prettier and colorful! Our aim is to spread the knowledge of how we could all have our own gardens in our houses, balconies, windows, actually everywhere! And create boxes that are bursting with native windflowers, buzzing bees and beautiful butterflies! Summer Cinema Dance Xperience festival team has created a nice spot, where you can enjoy films & documentary screenings. These screenings are hoped to be really informative. They are also expected to awake ourselves in order to live our lives in a complete harmony with the environment through a consciousness expanding process. Open discussions will also take place, where all of you can participate and contribute with your own ideas and passion about better ways of life always in harmony with the environment and mother earth. Let ‘s create stories, which can be applied in real life involving our imagination, playfulness and craftsmanship. HEALING AREA " Free Qigong sessions Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. The word Qigong (Chi Kung) is made up of two Chinese words. Qi is pronounced ‘chee’ and is usually translated to mean the life force or vital-energy that flows through all things in the universe. The second word, Gong, pronounced ‘gung’, means accomplishment, or skill that is cultivated through practice. Together, Qigong (Chi Kung) means cultivating energy, it is a system practiced for health maintenance, healing and increasing vitality. Qigong practices can be classified as marital, medical, or spiritual. All styles have three things in common: they all involve a posture, (whether moving or stationary), breathing techniques, and mental focus. Free Hatha Yoga sessions With the meaning ‘’sun’’ and the meaning ‘’moon’’ hatha yoga is commonly translated as the yoga that brings union ‘’of the pairs of opposites‘’. Sometimes hatha yoga is also translated as the ‘’forceful yoga’’, because it requires a lot of physical effort. Hatha Yoga is certainly the best known in the West world, which is part of reason why so many definitions of Hatha Yoga exist. Massage /Acupuncture You can also enjoy the benefits of a relaxing shiatsu massage and the profits of therapeutic acupuncture. All dancers need some rest and special care for their bodies. Relax yourself and give your body what it really needs! The experience of traditional Chinese therapeutic methods could give you peaceful relaxation and an amazing feeling of chilling out. WEB:
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 08:31:54 +0000

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