Dance of the 7 Veils ~ 7 week Mini-Course ~ Part 7 (Final) ~ Mary - TopicsExpress


Dance of the 7 Veils ~ 7 week Mini-Course ~ Part 7 (Final) ~ Mary Magdalene. Channelled through Michelle Manders©. The Palace of Peace is one of twelve dynamic groups of extreme Lightworkers who have agreed to serve as the catalysts of almighty change, to dissolve density through bringing light into the darkness, extending love into the furthest extremes of the Universe to bring the light, warmth and dynamism of true unconditional love into this realm and I, Mary Magdalene, and Lord Kuthumi-Agrippa personally accompany you into this sacred realm where you receive this almighty Accolade of Light because you have arrived; you have entered the Heavenly Mansions of transformation. Like the phoenix, you have risen and chosen the Promise of New Life. You have something valuable to offer. You are a Wizard of Wisdom, you are a Sage of Serenity, a Practitioner of Peace. You are everything, you are all that is and you are nothing, for both are part of the greater plan of bringing nothingness into something and taking something to its point of nothingness, where it becomes something extraordinary. This is symbolic of the cycles of transformation where everything that you are is broken down to everything you are not in order for you to see what you are not, and releasing you to become everything you are. Welcome this opportunity of becoming everything you are, seeing everything you are not, embracing the full potential of nothingness and everything, all that is and all that isn’t, for in this moment in time you are the mechanism through which Heaven connects to Earth, and the mechanism through which Earth connects to Heaven. I, Mary Magdalene, assisted by Lord Saturn now activate the almighty rays of golden and platinum consciousness, activating one of your most profound cycles of healing. This healing is not for you alone, for now every healing we activate for each of you will rebound one hundred fold through the Astral Plane so that Collective Consciousness can heal as deeply as you are. Your sensitivity levels have increased to such a degree that many of you are feeling overwhelmed by the anxiety of the Collective Consciousness and we need to protect you, we need to support you, and Lord Saturn comes to show you how through the constellation of Aquarius you can learn to detach, and through the constellation of Capricorn you can set in place the discipline that shall assist you in becoming your absolute best. Lord Saturn is strong in the constellations of Aquarius and Capricorn, the two constellations through which he rules. Lord Saturn is at his most powerful in the constellation of Libra, and weak in the constellation of Aries and the constellation of Leo. You, precious one, are being educated in the higher language; the fire language of the Spirits. The ancient forgotten language is not linked only to Sanskrit, it is the sacred language of symbolism, the sacred language held within the glyphs representing Spirit, and each glyph representing the nature of Spirit is encoded with one hundred and forty-four layers of information per constellation, and if it is your wish and your will, you will be educated in this language, initiating you into the realms where you will understand this sacred language, and through understanding this language you become key catalysts in releasing humanity. Although there will be many souls who leave the Earth in the future, precious ones, through your choice to educate yourself in the authenticity of the language of Spirit, will ease their pathway, for you are now aligning yourself with the souls who have agreed to relieve Mother Earth of the pressure, and through their choice to relieve Mother Earth of their pressure they are relieving humanity of the severe pressure weighing heavily upon the consciousness of human beings, because of the density of the level of the Collective Consciousness which has debilitated so many. I want you to celebrate this time of coming together. Celebrate this time of standing as one, standing as the powerful leaders in your personal and collective capacities liberating humanity, calling upon your skills, calling upon that which you have mastered to now be utilised as the essential skills of life setting others free. As Lord Saturn lays his hands upon your feet and I, Mary Magdalene rest my hands upon your crown, we activate the powerful Stairway of Heaven between crown and base, extending this energy down your legs, rooting it firmly within the cells of Mother Earth’s body. I, Mary Magdalene, and Lord Saturn ensure that these ancient codes come to life in your divine time, intervening in ways that shall show you that this dance is an almighty transformation of awakening, a doorway opening for each of you to serve the self and your community, serving every aspect of life in ways you as yet cannot see. We cannot describe to you the immensity of this celebration, how important this dance is, because not only are you receiving one of the most important healings of this cycle in your lifetime, you are also contributing to the powerful healing of the collective astral belt of consciousness for humanity. This is what the mark-point of 2012 is (was) about; it is the turning point in humanity’s collective consciousness. We have been grooming you for this time and now we call you all together to show you what you are truly capable of, and you can do it, because we know the true essence of what you embody. Lord Saturn opens the passageways of release, inviting your ancestors into your space; those ancestors who have brought powerful gifts to you are now being assigned to stand to your left. Those which have sought your assistance, which have left their fears imprinted upon your soul are now being asked to stand to your right. The one hundred and forty-four Ancient Elders of the Mystery Schools create a powerful ring of fire, a profound coning of divine protection, joining every single level of energy together you can imagine which links you to your ancestors on the positive and the negative - the negative being that which has manifested as fears, the positive being that which has manifested as wisdom and strengths. These energies are now being drawn together and a powerful bolt of lightning striking between these two realms of opposites. The light which is now fed into these realms of opposites merge together so that the power of your strengths can shed light on that which you have perceived as weaknesses, transforming it into the almighty tools that are the essential skills of life guiding you in directions that shall liberate those who are ready. You must also know, precious ones, that now that you stand as liberators there will be times where some of you are called to facilitate the process of liberation through a physical death process for others, this death is not something to mourn, the physical death that some will choose is a release, it is part of their divine blueprint to take the energy of the old realm and transform it through their personal passageway into the other realms. Many powerful relationships will be formed with those who move through the gateways into the worlds on the other side who will support you as you facilitate the processes of transformation between Heaven and Earth, between those who are alive and those who have passed on. Some of you are bridges between the literal world of Heaven and Earth, others of you will do it figuratively, you will be bridges on an emotional level, a mental, an intellectual, a spiritual level, but a bridge you are. It is time to be strong, it is a time to trust that everything you have worked towards has now gathered at this point and Lord Saturn is delivering the key of time to you, aligning the codes of the ancient history of past and future, for each of you is a key into the hidden libraries of the Akashic Records stored within the core of Mother Earth. You are all the cells within the greater body of Golden Consciousness; the alchemy energy that has driven you to this point, therefore surrender, trust and accept the role you have chosen. Accept that you have come to stand at this profound new gateway of transformation and that your light is a torch, it is the sign to those who have been seeking a light, and we are the signals to you that you are ready, that the great crossroads has come and you have chosen. Step into your power and allow Lord Saturn and my energy, Mary Magdalene, to love your fears to death, to love your insecurities and your doubts to death. By acknowledging the fear you have, and choosing to act in ways that are different to your past, will reveal to you the solutions you seek. So come and dance with us precious Lightwarriors; the final celebration, as the gateways between Heaven and Earth are now opened in a new way, coming to you from extended realms of higher awareness. Your Authentic Self blesses you with a gift of a part of yourself you have not in this lifetime met; over the next six weeks you shall integrate this part of you as master, and the more you will see of yourself, which leads you into the very heart of your Golden Temple of Self. Excerpt, Mary Magdalene. Visit our FREE CHANNELLINGS section of our website for a variety of FREE teachings and processes in support of Global Healing and positive self-empowerment.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:40:03 +0000

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