“Dance the dust off the floor” 7/1/2013 ~By Rebecca Sanders - TopicsExpress


“Dance the dust off the floor” 7/1/2013 ~By Rebecca Sanders SBGalone Admin We just finished a great week of Vacation Bible School. The music, food, fellowship, crafts and lessons all were superb. Devoted people showed up each night, many after a long day of work, and gave their all to these children and young people. On Friday night, we had commencement. As I stood in the center of dozens of children as they sang I was overwhelmed by the words they were singing and the energy in the midst of them. The theme was around Paul’s time in Athens. However it all led back to God’s love…the central theme from Genesis to Revelation. One song that sticks with me is one about our freedom in Christ. “It’s the breaking of chains”….Jesus broke our chains, set us free and yet many of us walk around as though we are still in bondage much as the Israelites did. The song went on to say...”He’s the hope and the truth and the way…it is real, it is real, it is more than what we feel.” Our faith IS more than just what we feel. Also the song says “ it’s no battle we’re fighting in vain.” We are indeed in a battle…spiritual warfare…in this nation…in the world as a whole. Still our freedom is in Christ…our victory is in Him. He fight’s our battles as Chaplain McKee said just last week. In Him we find victory, strength and joy. The phrases that stick me the most were “We will dance, dance the dust off the floor. We will sing till our lungs give out, till we can’t sing anymore.” Is that not the ultimate testimony of our relationship with Christ? Psa 98:4 -5 Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. Sing unto the LORD with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm. Psa 150:4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. I don’t play an instrument but I love music…love to praise him in song. When I am driving I am almost always singing. The same is true when I am cleaning house. The joy this week was to hear those children sing and praise without inhibitions and know that it brings out Lord joy. To be honest in my personal life things were tough but as I gathered each evening I started by bowing before him and laying it on the alter and spending those hours loving those children, singing His praise and relishing in the fact that in that group might be a future missionary or preacher , music director, Christian parent, only God knows what fruit will come of the seeds planted. Thank you Lord for a glorious week…a week of planting seed and loving on children you put in my path. Help each of us to plant seed daily, to praise you and love you with our music…dance…attitude and willingness to serve in whatever capacity you call us to do. I love you Jesus for the love you give without hesitation. Help us to do the same. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN! Today dance the dust off the floor and sing til you can’t sing anymore. You’ll be amazed how good it makes you feel…and you’ll please your Lord at the same time. ~Rebecca
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 07:00:00 +0000

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