Dances With Wolves(3)conclusion When the snow began to melt he - TopicsExpress


Dances With Wolves(3)conclusion When the snow began to melt he made a drum,and could be heard singing his songs.Their ears would jump up,and they would look at each other as the singing came from the cave.Some,would go up to the entrance and peak in to see him singing and sit down to listen,when he was done,they would scurry off to the forest. By now ,all the snow had melted and the thunder and lightning came to wake up the world. the lightning strike would give the spark of life to the earth and wake up all the grass and the insects and snakes.The pounding thunder done its job to say wake up,wake up ,a new year is here.The sky and earth have this special relationship.Father sky and mother earth bring forth their young and new life sprouted everywhere. In his dreams ,he saw himself on a pair of crutches being led out of the forest and being found by his people.So,when he awoke, he knew what to do.He packed some dried meat and came out of the cave and stood there with his drum.All the wolves came and sat around him,quietly.Then the alpha leader came and sat away from the wolf pack.the crowd turned to look at their leader,He barked a few times,then sat quietly.Then they all turned back to look at the hunter standing ,leaning on his crutches,with his drum in his hand. He spoke Cheyenne,and said,It is time for me to go home now,the dream had told me so.When I get home I will tell them what you have done for me.I honor you with one of our sundance songs.He struck the drum,and,all the wolves stood up,all at once.Their ears raised up to listen.The scene frightened him a little,but, he began to sing and hit the drum with a steady beat.Then,as he sang the song the wolves began the step in time with his drum beat,and dance with their steps in formations,they danced to his song and crossed themselves and each other in formations,and circled around him,and crossed each other in formations again,He could hardly believe what he was witnessing before his eyes.Only the alpha leader stood a ways off from the group,and seemed to watch in approval,what was going on there.When the song ended,the wolves ran off and scattered in all directions. Only a few remained behind,the large warrior wolves waited for their leader to do something.Then the leader turned and ran off into the woods and was gone.The warrior wolves stayed with the hunter,and led him out of the forest.And to the place where the hunt took place the following fall.They passed the skeletons of the buffalo,and hie horse and further out on to the plains,and left him there where he could be found by his own people. A hunting party had found him there,and brought him back to the camp,and did he have a story to tell the whole band of Cheyennes.The chief called all the people together and let him tell his story,after he finished,the shaman said,because you have survived this,we will give you a new name,we will call you Dances With Wolves.(end)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:57:41 +0000

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