Dane Ilario, is this how it went down? Dux posted this an hour - TopicsExpress


Dane Ilario, is this how it went down? Dux posted this an hour ago. I am glad to see some overdue housekeeping has transpired raising the level of discussion. It never ceases to amaze me, the amount of spin and the deceptive nature of the persons I hold as do many of you, responsible for the sadistic tormenting and death of Dan Harmon to the degree his wife is aligning herself with them -- not to be unexpected given what Dan had to say about her and her lies about him. Now to give you some idea of the ongoing deception and manipulation of perception taking place, the following cyber bully cherry picks my comments and uses them deliberately out of context in order to paint me in a bad light... But not before establishing they act with a reckless disregard for the truth as part of their actual malice towards me. The following is the complete conversation that transpired and when compared to what the BSMA guys are posting it establishes this site is a gathering place for sociopaths and/or psychotic narcissists. HERE IS PROOF OF THEIR CHERRY PICKING -- ESTABLISHING MANIPULATION OF PERCEPTION IS THEIR GAME< PLAYED WITHOUT REMORSE... Conversation started Thursday Dane Ilario 10/9, 8:54pm Dane Ilario Dear Mr. Dux, Since you find it proper to try and use Dan Harmons death to help with selling your new book then perhaps youll find it proper to help his widow in her time of need. If you have an integrity at all then youll post this video link on your Facebook page and make a donation to his widows fundraiser. https://youtube/watch?v=AXmrrUle2s4&feature=youtu.be This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you. Frank W. Dux 9:41pm Frank W. Dux First off your assertion of my profiting from Dans death is another firm of your spin and game of perception managemernt, its only a matter of time before God or the authorities hold you accountable for your mean spirited and tyrannical arrogance... beginning with spinning he leaves behind a widow when Dan was divorced and was disabled that was exploited by malicious people for their own entertainment and need to feel self important... spinning their murder of a human being to appear noble by pretending to watch out over the widow and child, whose father they took from by driving a vulnerable man to his death... I know what you all dud, Dan called me before he hung himself... Frank W. Dux 9:47pm Frank W. Dux I shall be publishing what he said to me and others who overheard his desperation in his voice and how he felt he had no choice but to kill himself to spare hus family from similar cruelty and being violated, ganged up on...so spare me from your pretentious cover up of the crime This constitutes witness intimidation and tampering, a felony If I am not mistaken, given the veiled threat of your email Dane Ilario 9:57pm Dane Ilario What veiled threat would that be Frank? You mean calling you out for you trying profit from someones death? Spare me. Witness intimidation and tampering? What exactly are you a witness to? Oh, thats right...nothing. YOU can spare me your holier than thou nonsense. If you REALLY care about Dan as you claim to then show some integrity, share at least the link to his widows fundraiser on your Facebook page and make a donation. If you dont want to do that then thats fine. Itll just go to show that you really dont give a damn at all and are just using Dans death as means to earn profit. Today Frank W. Dux 1:33am Frank W. Dux Its not my job but your attorneys to explain how this is construed a possible criminal act on your part. Do not contact me again as I consider your actions and your co-conspirators harrassment Of me Dane Ilario 1:34am Dane Ilario Dont worry. Youve already told me what I need to know. Frank W. Dux 1:36am Frank W. Dux Likewise Frank W. Dux 1:46am Frank W. Dux Me and the authorities Dane Ilario 1:47am Dane Ilario Thats fine, Frank. Tell the authorities whatever you like. Since there is no crime taking place here, Im not too worried. Frank W. Dux 1:50am Frank W. Dux Of course not your too arrogant and pompous to see anything but your own views of your actions, WHY DAN IS DEAD! Dane Ilario 1:52am Dane Ilario Well, let me ask you something Frank. You claim that Dan called you before he hung himself. You claim that he professed to you that he was suicidal. Why didnt you do anything to help him? Frank W. Dux 1:52am Frank W. Dux May God have mercy on your soul as he speaks very clearly about the evil tongue, judging others, playing god, as your associates and you have apparently done and to shed your guilt you pervert the truth by spinning it Dane Ilario 1:53am Dane Ilario Thats a mighty bold statement coming from someone who has built an entire life around the concept of spin. Frank W. Dux 1:57am Frank W. Dux To the contrary, not willing to succumb to the fabrication of evidence, testimony and lies by your kind... I am not the person managing perception, removing the evidence as your accomplices do which wouldnt be occurring if they didnt recognize their guilt in this matter... Dane Ilario 1:59am Dane Ilario Frank, youve done nothing but manage perception throughout your entire career. Your whole martial arts career is the antithesis of truth. Why dont you answer my question, Frank? If you knew Dan was going to kill himself then why didnt you help him? Frank W. Dux 2:00am Frank W. Dux I am the one who litigated against libel and slander of me which is perpetrated to commit consumer fraud on the unsuspecting public which you yourself might not realize you too have been taken in by the gatekeepers of information in the martial art world who profit by eliminating fair trade and competition Frank W. Dux 2:00am Frank W. Dux What my book is about Dane Ilario 2:01am Dane Ilario I hope you included yourself in that book. Your whole background is Bravo Sierra. Im still waiting for an answer to my question. Frank W. Dux 2:02am Frank W. Dux THE MANIPULATION OF PERCEPTION, RACKETEERING AND RACISM IN MARTIAL ARTS, DAN HARMON IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE ALL THE MISDEEDS, INCLUDING HIS OWN, THAT HAS GONE ON Dane Ilario 2:03am Dane Ilario Still not hearing an answer to my question. Frank W. Dux 2:04am Frank W. Dux I think you are delusional considering my whole background is documented where it is your teachers teachers that cant be substaintiated If you are bujinkan Follower of Takamatsu Dane Ilario 2:06am Dane Ilario LOL...your whole background is documented??? That is the funniest thing I have heard in a while. You really believe that, dont you? No, Im not a Bujinkan student. Are you going to answer my question or not? Frank W. Dux 2:06am Frank W. Dux Documented in courts of law and by regulating sports aurhorities Dane Ilario 2:07am Dane Ilario Riiiiiiiiiight....geez, Frank. You are a one trick pony. Next youll ask me to believe that The Kumite was real. Look, are you going to answer my question about Dan or not? Frank W. Dux 2:08am Frank W. Dux Frank Dux vs. Soldier of Fortune Magazine, Robert K. Brown, Alexander McColl, Larry Bailey... I am informed you so should this go to court and you continue to malign and defame this proves you act with actual malice towards me. Dane Ilario 2:11am Dane Ilario Frank, I am already aware of such nonsense. Now, can you answer my question about Dan or not? Frank W. Dux 2:12am Frank W. Dux So then you admit you are aware of court exhibits and documentation but defame me anyways... Act with actual malice towards me Dane Ilario 2:13am Dane Ilario Im aware that youve spun such things to make yourself look like a victim. I repeat: if you knew Dan Harmon was going to kill himself, why didnt you do something about it? Frank W. Dux 2:17am Frank W. Dux Spun what.. expose the LG Times relied on not credible witnesses and presented fabricated evidence that on its face is false as credible and here you are repeating or lending credibility to the defamation of me and apparently anyone who posses a threat to the ninja illusion fabricated by black belt magazine and other rags Dane Ilario 2:19am Dane Ilario All right, Frank. I guess youre just not going to answer the question. That right there tells me all I need to know, Frank W. Dux 2:20am Frank W. Dux You operate with malice according to your own admission, attempt to intimidate and harass me while trying to extract information that is relevant to a possible ongoing or future criminal prosecution... that may be RICO In nature Dane Ilario 2:22am Dane Ilario Sure, Frank, sure. Tell yourself whatever you have to believe. Sick the authorities on me. Youre really grasping straws now. Frank W. Dux 2:23am Frank W. Dux I am not the one contacting you am I so if anyone has exposure here I would suggest it appears to be you and your co-conspirators Trying to sully up to the widow, to hide your guilt Widowed divorcée Who showed malice towards him, so the only people profiting off of Dans death is you and Dans enemies Dane Ilario 2:26am Dane Ilario Yes...a widow with five kids who is the ex-wife of someone that you claim was a friend of yours. Strange how you dont seem interested in assisting her or Dans children. Oh really? And what profit would that be? What am I personally getting out of this? You must tell me more about myself. Frank W. Dux 2:49am Frank W. Dux I will not do anything that will as is obviously intended to do by Dean, is to misdirect attention away from the spiritual and physical murder of Dan Harmon at his and his Co conspirators hands, which is why I believe is the only motive you and your co conspirators have for contacting me and are now engaged in lending the appearance of compassion, wanting to help her feed and care for her children that are robbed of a father due to his oppressors acts... you have admitted you act with actual malice and assumably if eliminating business competition is not your motive, then I am inclined to believe you derive pleasure from causing discomfort or inflicting pain on others, played a role in tearing Dan Harmon down that he was convinced the only way to end his torment and protect his family was to take his own life... perhaps you could enlighten me as I watched a bunch of silly men acting like spoiled rotten children on a schoolyard ganginng up on and playing judge, jury and prosecutor to the extent a father of five is dead over it... you have the gaul and lack of sense to turn your gang mentality my way... The question I am sure the authorities will be asking you is if you arent involved, personally feel guilty, why are you contacting me and trying to illicit my cooperation or privleged information Frank W. Dux 2:55am Frank W. Dux Dont contact me again or continue to defame me and my character as I reserve the right to pursue all remedies to your tortuous behavior and that of your Co-conspirstors
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:21:01 +0000

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