Dangers of using microwave Daily eating reheated or cooked - TopicsExpress


Dangers of using microwave Daily eating reheated or cooked with microwave cause permanent damage over time due to the changes suffered by the food nutrient foods. The human body has the capacity to split the unknown substances, i.e., which is formed inside the heated appliance these foods. The production of hormones (female and male) alters or interrupts. The minerals of plant are transformed into free radicals, causing cancer. The consumption of food cooked in the microwave causes the growth of cancerous tumors in the stomach and intestine (why are so frequent cases of colon cancer). The regular consumption of food causes the increase of cancer cells in tissues. Weakens the immune system due to changes caused in the blood plasma and lymph nodes. Alters cognitive functions of the brain, which causes loss of memory, emotional instability and lack of concentration. The nutrients, minerals and vitamins from food are reduced or altered in the microwave, so it is as if we had not eaten. Are destroyed 75% of the antioxidants in foods, electromagnetic waves vibrate water molecules generating friction inside out, changing the chemical structure. The cell walls of heated vegetables with this appliance appear completely astray if seen with a microscope. Generate electromagnetic radiation. Desvitalizam food into energy level. microwave Heat the milk in the microwave is a huge mistake. Another research regarding the use of microwaves with respect to its use to warm breast milk that is consumed by babies. Pediatricians report that this is not a very healthy habit and advise mothers to avoid this practice, also avoiding health problems for their children. Although it is also true that warm milk in ordinary fire also causes it to lose some nutrients, with the microwave damage is higher as well, as explained above, the electromagnetic waves modify the components of food. What can you bring as a consequence in the case of babies who become more vulnerable to disease, their defenses are not in good condition, they begin to generate more amount of free radicals etc. Remember Currently the use of this type of appliance is quite common, however, we must consider that its effects will not be immediate and will cause much less damage to our body if we use very little, one time or another. However, when it uses or consumes in excess, which is its main drawbacks arise, for this reason our main recommendation is to opt for gradually reducing the use of this appliance and simply use it when it is strictly necessary to avoid future inconveniences. REFERENCES / Studies ecclesia.org/forum/uploads/bondservant/microwaveP.pdf curezone/foods/microwave_oven_risk.asp articles.mercola/sites/articles/archive/2010/05/18/microwave-hazards.aspx
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 08:39:15 +0000

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